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Full text of "A new subfamily, new genera and new species of Reduviidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera)"

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In this paper a new subfamily is established and new genera and species of Reduviidae 
from the Ethiopian, Oriental and Australian Regions are described and figured. 

For the loan of types and other specimens of the genus Tiarodes which I have 
revised, I am greatly indebted to Dr. S. von Keler, Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt 
Universitat, Berlin ( Tiarodes dubius Reuter) ; Dr. Rene Malaise, Naturhistoriska 
Riksmuseet, Stockholm ( T . cruentus Stal, T . varicolor Stal) ; Professor Dr. Sachtleben, 
Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin, ( T . friihstorferi Breddin, T. waterstradti 
Breddin, T. rabiosus Miller, T. nitidus Miller) ; Dr. H. C. Blote, Rijksmuseum van 
Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden ( T . convivus Miller, T. serenus Miller) ; Dr. Eva 
Halaszfy and Dr. A. Soos, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest (T. xanthusi 

I have also to thank Dr. S. L. Tuxen, Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copen- 
hagen, for the photograph of the holotype of Tiarodes rufithorax Reuter, and the 
Photographic Department of the British Museum, Natural History, London, for the 
photographs of the remaining species of Tiarodes . 

Except where otherwise stated, holotypes are in the British Museum, (Natural 
History), London. 

Subfamily Stenopodinae 
PARAGYLLA gen. nov. 

Size. Small. Basal segment of antennae moderately thick, setose, longer than 
anteocular ; segment 2 longer than basal segment. Head tuberculate, shorter 
than pronotum ; interantennal projections present ; tylus and bucculae produced 
anteriorly ; gula flattened ; eyes large, prominent, longer than height of head, 
narrowly separated at their lower margins ; postocular tuberculate on lower surface 
laterally ; ocelli large, elevated, widely separated ; vertex wider than an eye ; 
antennophores equidistant between eyes and apex of head ; rostrum compressed 
laterally ; basal segment subequal in length to remaining segments together ; 
segment 3 strongly compressed, acute, longer than segment 2. Anterior pronotal 
lobe shorter than posterior lobe, laterally tuberculate and with tubercles on disc ; 
lateral angles of collar produced ; lobe medially, longitudinally sulcate basally ; 
posterior lobe medially, longitudinally sulcate with a carina on each side of sulcus ; 
humeral angles feebly produced ; prostemum laterally produced ; sides of stridu- 

ENTOM. 8, 2. 




latory furrow tuberculate ; mesosternum with an elliptical sulcus ; pronotum, 
pleura, metastemum, minutely granulose ; scutellum with apex produced and with 
short, conical projection basally laterally ; disc feebly depressed. Hemelytra 
extending beyond apex of abdomen ; enclosed cell absent. Legs slender ; anterior 

Figs. 1-5. Paragylla calida gen. nov., sp. n. (1) Head and pronotum, dorsal view. 
(2) Idem, lateral view. (3) Head and prosternum, ventral view. (4) Hemelytron. (5) 
i Apex of abdomen, ventral view. 

tarsi with 2 segments. Abdomen medially excised apically ; midventrally longi- 
tudinally carinate, except segment 7 ; segment 8 exposed ; vestiges of dorsal gland 
ostioles on segments 4, and 5 only (indistinct on 4). Type species, Paragylla calida 
sp. n. Text-figs. 1-5. 

Paragylla calida sp. n. 

Colour. Testaceous with faint reddish suffusion. Head somewhat dark ; scutel- 
lum brown. Hemelytral membrane very pale stramineous with infumate suffusion ; 
metathoracic wings hyaline, whitish. 


Structure. Basal antennal segment feebly curved, somewhat constricted 
basally ; segment 2 about one-quarter longer than basal segment. Tubercles ;on 
postocular moderately long, thick, setigerous, fused basally. Tubercles on verted 
and . bucculae low, rounded. Ocellar interspace medially, longitudinally sulcate, 
about three times as wide as an ocellus. Space between lower margin of eyes subequal 
in width to basal rostral segment. Scutellar spine subacute, horizontal. Humeral 
angles with a short, rounded tubercle. 

Total length, 10-50 nim.; hemelytra, 7-50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 2-50 mm. 

One (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), W. Australia, Nicol Bay dist. Dr. Clement 
(B.M. 1900-220). 

Allied to Agylla Stal, 1865, Hem. Afr. 3 : 150. Differs in having the ocelli widely 
separated, the eyes narrowly separated at their lower margins, the rostrum somewhat 
flattened (third segment strongly flattened), segment 2 shorter than segment 3, 
and in lacking an enclosed cell on the hemelytral membrane at base of internal cell. 

DIOKTEROCORIS gen. nov. 1 

Size. Small. Basal segment of antennae moderately thick, feebly curved ; 
segment 2 slender ; remaining segments filiform ; antennophores nearer to apex 
of head than to eyes ; head longer than pronotum ; gula flattened ; lower lateral 
margins tuberculate ; bucculae produced ; tylus feebly elevated ; length of eyes 
less than height of head ; surface of head, except gula, granulose ; ocelli moderately 
large, widely separated ; postocular somewhat flattened dorsally ; basal segment of 
rostrum longer than remaining segments together ; segment 2 with robust setae 
or spines on outer surface apically. Pronotum wider than long ; anterior lobe longer 
than posterior lobe ; lateral angles of collar produced ; humeral angles rounded ; 
prostemum produced laterally ; scutellum produced apically ; postscutellum with 
an elevation on apical margin medially. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. 
Anterior femora moderately incrassate, with 2 rows of moderately long, setigerous 
spines and a few short spines on lower surface ; upper surface and laterally with 
low, setigerous tubercles ; anterior tibiae shorter than femora ; median and 
posterior legs slender. 

Type species, Diokterocoris sudanicus sp. n. Text-figs. 6-9. 

Diokterocoris sudanicus sp. n. 

Colour. Pale testaceous. Head darker and with a brown spot near inner 
margin of ocelli. Elevation on postscutellum piceous. Apex of corium faintly 
suffused with brown ; discal cell and external cell of membrane with faint infumate 

Total length, 7-50 mm.; hemelytra, 5-00 mm.; Greatest pronotal width, i-6o mm. 

One $ (holotype), Sudan, Taladir, n.x.1920, Maj. Graham, 1 $ (paratype), 
Mongalla, 6.XH.1917, J. R. Yardley. 

1 diOKTqp = a pursuer, *cop«e = a bug. 



Allied to Padasastra Villiers (1948, Re'duv. Afric . noire, p. 373) and Collartiella 
Schouteden (1931, Ann. Mus. Congo belg. Zool. (3), 1 : 109) from both of which it 
differs in the structure of the head and armature of the anterior femora. Also allied 
to Staccia Stal (1865, Hem. Afr. 3 : 150) from which it differs similarly and also in 
having no spines on the inner face of the basal rostral segment. 

Figs. 6-9. Diokterocoris sudanicus gen. nov., sp. n. (6) Head, pronotum, scutellum 
and postscutellum, dorsal view. (7) Head and pronotum, lateral view. (8) Hemelytron. 

(9) Anterior femur. 

Subfamily Cetherinae 
Caprocethera crudelis sp.n. 

(Text-figs. 10-14) 

Colour. Testaceous. Head laterally, gula, piceous. Eyes black. Basal rostral 
segment with suffusion, apical segment piceous. Carinae on anterior pronotal lobe 



Figs. 10-14. Caprocethera crudelis sp. n. (10) Head, pronotum and scutellum, dorsaj 
view. (11) Idem, lateral view. (12) Hemelytron. (13) Metathoracic wing. (14) Apex of 
pygophore, dorsal view. 


and some tubercles on posterior lobe pale ; collar, propleural epistemum anteriorly 
piceous ; humeral spines piceous ; apex of scutellum very pale testaceous ; spine 
and apex of disc piceous ; meso- and metapleura with piceous suffusion ; stridu- 
latory furrow, meso- and metasternum, piceous. Hemelytra with brown and piceous 
suffusion as in Text-fig. 12. Abdomen very pale testaceous ; mid-ventrally with a 
large, discal brown suffusion ; sublaterally with triangular spots and laterally with 
suffusion on segments 3-6, piceous ; pygophore brown ; connexivum dorsally 
with piceous suffusion at base of each segment. Anterior and median tibiae missing ; 
posterior tibiae whitish yellow with a median, basal and apical black annulation ; 
basal segment of posterior tarsi black ; segments 2 and 3 whitish yellow ; segment 3 
suffused with piceous apically ; femora pale yellowish white with apex broadly and 
confluent suffusion, piceous. 

Structure. Differs from Caprocethera cave Breddin (1903, Sitz. Ges. Naturfr. 
Berlin , p. 116), in having the spines between the antennophores more curved, the 
sulci on vertex and transverse sulcus wider and deeper, the anterior pronotal lobe 
with short, subacute, conical tubercles, discal tubercles on posterior lobe moderately 
narrow and rounded apically, the posterior lobe more coarsely rugose and tuber- 
culate, the basal lateral scutellar spines less acute and the apical spine longer and 
more acute. 

The pygophore in this new species has a moderately wide, subapical, acute, more 
or less parallel sided process, angulately concave on inner surface. 

Total length, 10*50 mm.; hemelytra, 7*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 3*50 mm. 

One (J (holotype), Ghana, Ifione, 2. v. 1957, H. Roberts. 

Sub-family Reduviinae 
PHELETOCORIS gen. nov. 1 

Size. Small. Basal segment of antennae as long as anteocular ; segment 2 about 
five times longer than basal segment ; antennophores nearer to eyes than to apex of 
head ; basal segment of rostrum subequal in length to segment 2 ; head shorter 
than pronotum ; anteocular subequal in length to postocular ; vertex wider than 
an eye, with a bifurcate sulcus basally and a rounded elevation laterally basally ; 
ocelli widely separated, feebly elevated ; postocular gradually narrowed to base 
and medially sulcate between ocelli. Pronotum wider than long ; anterior lobe 
shorter than posterior lobe ; laterally carinate and with sulci and low elevations on 
disc ; posterior lobe medially depressed and laterally carinate ; depression with 
feeble transverse sulci ; prostemum with a median tubercle anteriorly ; posterior 
margin produced, acute, curved downwards ; scutellum as long as wide with apex 
produced and disc excavate. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen ; base of 
external cell of membrane wider than base of internal cell. Abdomen somewhat 
expanded, elliptical in outline ; segments 4-6 ventrolaterally feebly depressed. 
Anterior femora moderately incrassate ; anterior and median tibiae with a fossula 
spongiosa ; apical segment of tarsi as long as remaining segments together. 

Type species, Pheletocoris sordidus sp. n. Text-figs. 15-18. 

1 (prjkrjTrjg = a thief, /topic = bug. 



Pheletocoris sordidus sp. n. 

Colour. Piceous. Elevations on vertex, lateral angles of collar, elevations on 
anterior pronotal lobe, parts of posterior lobe, particularly posteriorly, suffused 
with testaceous. Corium with testaceous suffusion medially ; area between claval 

Figs. 15-18. Pheletocoris sordidus gen. nov., sp. n. (15) Head, pronotum and scutellum, 
dorsal view. (16) Idem , lateral view. (17) Apex of pygophore, terminal view. (18) 

suture and Cu with a fuscous spot ; membrane infumate. Connexival segments 
with a testaceous spot at external apical angle. Anterior and median tibiae with a 
little less than half basally, posterior tibiae suffused with reddish testaceous ; tarsi 
reddish testaceous ; segment 3 suffused with piceous. 


Structure. Vertex about one and a half times wider than an eye ; eyes a little 
shorter than height of head. Sulci on median depression on posterior pronotal lobe 
feeble. Fossula spongiosa a little less than one-third as long as tibia. 

Total length, io-oo mm.; hemelytra, 6*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 3-20 mm. 
One (holotype), Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, Mamara, 8.viii.i956, E. S. 

Belongs to the Velitra complex. Differs from Velitra Stal (1865, Hemipt. Afric . 
3 : 122) in having the vertex relatively wider and with elevations basally laterally, 
the posterior pronotal lobe laterally carinate and the abdomen rounded mid-ventrally, 
not flattened. 

DILOPHOCORIS gen. nov. 1 

Size. Small. Basal segment of antennae shorter than anteocular ; segment 2 
longer than basal segment ; apical segments subequal in length. Head shorter than 
pronotum, transverse, tuberculate ; postocular wider than anteocular ; vertex 
wider than an eye ; tylus somewhat elevated ; interantennal elevations present ; 
ocelli widely separated ; antennophores nearer to eyes than to apex of head ; gula 
setose ; rostrum moderately thick ; basal segment subequal in length to segment 
2 ; all segments setose. Anterior pronotal lobe shorter than posterior lobe with 
minute tubercles arranged in a pattern ; anterior lobe medially, longitudinally 
sulcate in basal half ; posterior lobe widely sulcate anteriorly, the sulcus with 
transverse carinulae ; propleura medially produced ; posterior pronotal lobe, 
pleura, scutellum, tuberculate ; apex of scutellum produced ; disc damaged ; proster- 
num on each side of stridulatory furrow with setigerous tubercles. Hemelytra 
extending to apex of abdomen ; veins of corium tuberculate. Femora moderately 
incrassate ; tuberculate on upper surface ; anterior and median femora spinose 
on lower surface ; fossula spongiosa present on anterior and median tibiae. 

Type species, Dilophocoris plagiatus sp. n. Text-figs. 19-21. 

Dilophocoris plagiatus sp. n. 

Colour. Basal antennal segment testaceous ; remaining segments piceous. • 
Head testaceous with vertex and post ocular, except laterally, piceous. Thorax 
piceous ; acetabula suffused with testaceous. Corium testaceous with costa basally, 
a wide median transverse stripe and apex narrowly brownish infumate ; membrane 
infumate ; base of veins of internal cell, external vein of external cell testaceous. 
Abdomen testaceous ; connexival segments 2-6 with a quadrate piceous spot ; 
segments 8 and 9 dorsally suffused with piceous. Tarsi testaceous ; tibiae piceous, 
narrowly testaceous basally ; femora testaceous with a wide, subapical piceous 
annulation ; coxae and trochanters testaceous. 

Structure. Segment 2 of antennae thicker and four times as long as basal 
segment ; apical segments filiform. Ocellar interspace twice as wide as space between 
an ocellus and an eye ; ocelli moderately large ; vertex about three times wider than 

1 diXo<fOQ = with 2 humps, /cop**,- = a bug. 



an eye. Scutellar spine horizontal, rounded apically. Produced portion of propleura 
short, conical. Setae on gula, rostrum, sides of stridulatory furrow robust. Tubercles 
very short and with short, recumbent setae. Fossula spongiosa very short. 

Total length, 8-oo mm.; hemelytra, 5-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 2-00 mm. 

Figs. 19-21. Dilophocoris plagiatus gen. nov., sp. n. 19. Head and pronotum, dorsal 
view. (20) Idem , lateral view. (21) Anterior femur, coxa and trochanter. 

One $ (holotype), Australia, Queensland, Mackay, A. J. Turner (B.M. 1905-125). 
The affinity of this new genus is doubtful. It is possibly allied to Sphedanocoris 
Stal, 1866, Ofv. Vet-Ak . Fork ., p. 240. 


Size. Very small. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae moderately thick ; segment 2 
longer than basal segment ; segments 3 and 4 together subequal in length to 1 
and 2 together ; segments 2-4 with abundant, short, forwardly directed setae ; 
basal segment extending beyond apex of head ; antennophores nearer to eyes than 
to apex of head ; anteocular shorter than postocular, the latter transverse and 
abruptly constricted basally ; tylus with setigerous tubercles apically ; vertex wider 
than an eye ; ocelli moderately large, widely separated, not prominent ; head smooth 

1 noiKiXoTizepOQ — with wing of changeful colour, KOpiQ = bug. 


with areas of low setigerous tubercles ; gula concave, laterally with tubercles ; 
basal segment of rostrum subequal in length to segment 2. Pronotum as wide as 
long ; lateral angles of collar produced ; anterior lobe longer than posterior lobe, 
smooth with areas of low setigerous tubercles and a submedian foveole ; posterior 
lobe rugose punctate and with short carinae anteriorly ; transverse sulcus foveolate ; 

Figs. 22-27. Poecilopterocoris amabilis gen. nov., sp. n. (22) Head and pronotum, dorsal 
view. (23) Idem, lateral view. (24) Anterior femur. (25) Hemelytron. (26) Metathoracic 
wing. (27) Ovum. 


humeral angles rounded ; prosternum laterally tuberculate ; lateral margins of 
stridulatory furrow with low, setigerous tubercles ; scutellum as wide as long with 
apex produced ; disc excavate, rugose. Hemelytra extending almost to apex of 
abdomen ; interveinal areas of corium and base of membranal cells hyaline ; base 
of internal cell of membrane wider than base of external cell ; veins of corium 
thick, prominent. All femora incrassate and with low, setigerous tubercles on upper 
and lateral surfaces and with linear areas lacking tubercles ; anterior femora spined 
on lower surface ; anterior tibiae with setigerous tubercles on lower surface ; tarsi 
with 3 segments ; fossula spongiosa on anterior and median tibiae. 

Type species, Poecilopterocoris amabilis sp. n. Text-figs. 22-27. 

Poecilopterocoris amabilis sp. n. 

Colour. Piceous. Apical segment of rostrum and humeral angles testaceous ; 
tibiae, tarsi, coxae and trochanters testaceous. Connexivum pale testaceous with 
a quadrate spot at apex of segments piceous ; apex of segment 7 piceous. Median 
and posterior femora with an obscure, pale testaceous annulation sub-basally. 

Structure. Vertex a little more than twice as wide as an eye. Ocellar interspace 
a little less wide than vertex. Spines on anterior femora truncate apically and seti- 
gerous. Fossula spongiosa short and extended beyond apex of tibiae. 

Total length, 4*50 mm., ? 5-00 mm.; hemelytra, $ 2*80 mm., $ 3*00 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, <J i-oo mm., $ i-io mm. 

One (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), New Guinea, Lae, iii.1957, R. W. Paine. 

The affinity of this new genus is doubtful. Possibly it should be placed near 
Sphedanocoris Stal (loc. cit.). 

Ovum (Text-fig. 27). Cylindrical ; chorion feebly oblique at opercular end and 
with longitudinal carinae on most of surface ; between carinae, some of which 
anastomose, there are transverse striae ; operculum elliptical with a low, subovate 
elevation medially. Dark yellow with carinae brownish ; operculum apparently 
whitish. Length, i*io mm. (dissected). 

This is a large ovum in relation to the species and it is probable that only about 
6-10 develop at one time. 

The Genus TIARODES 1 Burmeister 

The genus Tiarodes was established by Burmeister in 1835 ( Handb . 2 : 237) for 
Cimbus versicolor Laporte (1832, Essai Classif. Syst. Hem., p. 80 supph). 

Some of the most brightly coloured of the Reduviidae are contained in the genus. 
Unfortunately, much of the brilliance is lost after death when the red or reddish 
yellow areas become darker and the white or pale yellow areas, for example, the 
spots on the corium or the connexival segments turn to a dull yellow. Metallic 
green or blue colours occur. These, however, do not fade as a rule, or become 

Little is known of the habitats and nothing of the prey of Tiarodes species 1 ; 
some have been found among decaying vegetable debris and also under the loose 

1 Ttapa = a tiara, in allusion to the shape of the head. 


bark of dead trees. Specimens are frequently met with which have mites attached 
to the ventral surface and legs, a condition often to be observed in species belonging 
to other genera of Reduviidae occupying similar habitats. 

The secluded type of life of Tiarodes species, no doubt, accounts for their being 
frequently overlooked by collectors, consequently in collections rarely is a species 
represented by more than single or a very few specimens. 

Information concerning the developmental stages is equally scanty. The ova 
are deposited loosely and without adhesive in the soil or under the bark of trees. 

The ovum of T. nigrirostris Stal, obtained by dissection is more or less regularly 
oval with a smooth chorion and with the opercular end less broadly rounded than 
the opposite end. 

Up to the present time 33 species have been described. In the present paper 45 
new species are described and photographically illustrated. Photographs are also 
provided of the species already described. 

Tiarodes rusticus Distant (1919, Entomologist, 52 : 245) should not have been 
placed in the genus. It has since been transferred to a new genus, Neotiarodes 
(Miller, 1957, Bull. Brit. Mus, 5 , 2 : 40-41). 

Mention should be made of a representative of the genus from Ternate for the 
purpose of amplifying the distributional picture. It is unfortunately, in too damaged 
a condition for description. This specimen forms part of a collection received by 
me from the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

Dr. S. von Keler, Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin kindly 
sent me a consignment of Tiarodes species among which is a species labelled by 
Breddin. The description, however, has not been published. In view of the fact 
that the data label bears no collector's name and the locality of origin is indeci- 
pherable, I have decided that it would be unwise to include this species in the present 
study, although it is undoubtedly a new species. It resembles in coloration T. bradleyi 
sp. n. from the Solomon Islands and also T. obyanus Distant from Obi Island. 

I have not been able to examine the type of T. kiikenthali Breddin. Professor 
Dr. Sachtleben, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin has informed me that 
it cannot be traced in the collections at the Institut. 

Tiarodes species may be divided into four distinct groups. The first, which I 
designate the nigrirostris group contains mostly the largest species varying from 
20*oo mm. to 30*00 mm. in length and characterized by having a yellow discal 
spot and sometimes yellow suffusion basally on the corium of the hemelytra. 

The head in this group is cylindrical, occasionally with obscure striations, mostly 
laterally, and sometimes sparsely setose. The anteocular is appreciably narrowed 
towards the apex. 

The prostemum is smooth and has no projections laterally. The anterior and 
median femora are strongly incrassate and the anterior and median tibiae are 
incrassate for about half their length, with the fossula spongiosa about half as long. 

Present records show that this group is distributed in Indo-China, Malaysia and 

The second group, the waterstradti group, contains species which are about 20*00 
mm. in length and which are closer morphologically to those in the nigrirostris 


group, but which have the anterior and median tibiae incrassate for a little more than 
a quarter of their length and the anterior and median femora moderately incrassate. 
The fossula spongiosa is about one-quarter as long as the tibiae and the meso- and 
metastemum have a median longitudinal carina. 

The hemelytra in this group may be pale yellow or fuscous with a pale yellow 
discal spot, isolated or extended to the base of the corium. 

To the third group I give the name versicolor . It contains species measuring 
approximately 10*00-20*00 mm. in length. The head is cylindrical with the gula 
somewhat flattened and with abundant, recumbent, spatulate setae. Viewed from 
above the anteocular has parallel sides. It is also striate to a greater or less degree 
particularly laterally. The prostemum is produced laterally. 

The hemelytra are fuscous or black and have usually a wide or narrow red or 
reddish yellow area or suffusion at the base of the corium, or a pale discal spot as 
well as a basal suffusion. 

The fossula spongiosa are mostly about one-quarter as long as the tibiae, the apex 
of which is not very strongly incrassate. 

This is widely distributed as will be seen from the list of species given in this 

Two species about 15*00 mm. in length from the Philippine Islands, namely 
T. cruentus Stal and T . luzonicus sp. n. constitute the fourth group, the cruentus 
group. These species have relatively more slender tibiae, a very short fossula 
spongiosa, relatively less incrassate anterior and median femora, narrower and very 
feebly striate head on which the transverse sulcus is very shallow. The prosternum 
is feebly produced laterally and the mesosternum has a wide sulcus medially. The 
hemelytra are distinctly bicolorous. 

Key to Tiarodes Groups 

1 . Meso- and metasternum with a median longitudinal carina .... 2 

- Meso- and metasternum without a median longitudinal carina .... 3 

2. Anterior tibiae incrassate for half their apical length . . nigrirostris group 

- Anterior tibiae incrassate for one-fourth of their apical length . waterstradti group 

3. Mesosternum with a median sulcus ...... cruentus group 

- Mesosternum without a median sulcus ...... versicolor group 

Key to Species in nigrirostris Group 

1. Thorax black with faint metallic lustre ........ 2 

- Thorax not black ............ 3 

2. Abdomen ventrally red with large black spot on seventh segment . nobilis sp. n. 

- Abdomen ventrally with segments 2-5 red, 6 and 7 black . . . pustulatus St&l 

3. Thorax including scutellum light red ...... sakai Miller 

- Thorax yellow and black ; scutellum black ....... 4 

4. Pronotum yellow with feeble piceous suffusion on posterior lobe posteriorly . 5 

- Pronotum differently coloured ......... 6 

5. Abdomen ventrally yellow ......... lotus sp. n. 

- Abdomen ventrally yellow with transverse black stripes . . . opulentus sp. n. 

6. Posterior pronotal lobe dark yellow anteriorly, black posteriorly .... 7 

- Posterior or pronotal lobe mostly piceous ........ 9 



7. Connexivum yellow with black spots ........ 8 

- Connexival segments 2-5 black, 6 and 7 yellow ..... ostentans sp. n. 

8. Meso- and metapleura black ........ nigrirostris St&l 

- Meso- and metapleura reddish yellow ...... jucundus sp. n. 

9. Connexival segments yellow with black spots . . . . . . . 10 

- Connexival segments 2-4 black, 5-7 yellow ..... sulaensis sp. n. 

10. Discal spot on corium small, circular ...... scriptus sp. n. 

— Discal spot on corium moderately large ........ 1 1 

11. Discal spot on corium extended to costal margin . . . . . . 12 

— Discal spot on corium not extended to costal margin . . . . . . 13 

12. Connexival segments 2 and 3 piceous ..... juncturus Walker 

— Connexival segments 2 and 3 piceous with yellow spot . . hieroglyphicus Miller 

13. Connexivum of seventh segment dorsally piceous ; posterior pronotal lobe with an 

obscure oblique dark yellow spot on each side of median depression . erinnys Miller 

— Connexivum of seventh segment dorsally piceous with a white spot apically ; 

posterior pronotal lobe with a distinct, moderately large oblique dark yellow spot 
on each side of median depression ....... xanthusi Reuter 

Key to Species in waterstradti Group 

1. Tibiae black ; pronotum castaneous ....... amoenus Miller 

- Tibiae differently coloured ; pronotum yellow with piceous spot on anterior lobe 

posteriorly ............. 2 

2. Median and posterior tibiae black ......... 3 

- Median and posterior tibiae pale yellow with piceous suffusion basally and apically 5 

3. Corium yellow with apex fuscous and with faint brownish suffusion between claval 

suture and Cu ......... simplex sp. n. 

- Corium fuscous ............ 4 

4. Corium with large pale yellow discal spot extending to costal margin 

waterstradti Breddin 

- Corium with large prlc yellow discal spot extending to costal margin and also to base 

acutangulus sp. n. 

5. Segments 1 and antennae piceous ; antennophores testaceous sumatrensis sp. n. 

- Segments 1 and 2 of antennae testaceous, basally and apically piceous ; antenno- 

phores black ............ 6 

6. Anterior pronotal lobe with very feeble diagonal depression subdorsally ; produced 

portion of posterolateral angles of posterior pronotal lobe thick, triangular, 
subacute .......... malayanus Distant 

- Anterior pronotal lobe with a distinct, shallow, circular depression subdorsally ; 

produced portion of posterolateral angles of posterior pronotal lobe narrowly 
conical, acute .......... nemoralis sp. n. 

Key to Species in versicolor Group 

1. Size under 14-00 mm. ........... 2 

- Size 14-00 mm. and greater .......... 8 

2. Pronotum unicolorous ........... 3 

- Pronotum not unicolorous .......... 7 

3. Abdomen entirely black or piceous ......... 4 

- Abdomen red with apical segments black ........ 5 

4. Corium black, narrowly reddish basally . . . ... . serenus Miller 

- Corium reddish fuscous, moderately broadly suffused with red basally . dohertyi Miller 

5. Corium entirely fuscous ......... bradleyi sp. n. 


- Corium fuscous with base reddish or yellowish ....... 6 

6. Base of corium broadly reddish ....... obyanus Distant 

- Base of corium narrowly yellow ........ biroi sp. n. 

7. Anterior pronotal lobe violaceous, collar red, corium black . . . browni sp. n. 

- Anterior pronotal lobe brown ; corium fuscous with apex pale yellow 

picturatus Distant 

8. Corium with discal yellow spot ......... 9 

- Corium without a discal yellow spot . . . . . . . . 12 

9. Gula entirely red ............ 10 

- Gula piceous, narrowly red basally ......... 1 1 

10. Abdomen ventrally piceous with violaceous lustre ; basal segments suffused with 

red ............ mirandus Miller 

— Abdomen ventrally reddish ........ bukit Miller 

11. Abdomen ventrally yellowish ........ elongatus Miller 

— Ventral abdominal segments 2 and 3 red ..... rufithorax Reuter 

12. Pronotum dark blue with metallic lustre . . . . . . . .13 

— Pronotum light red ........... 18 

13. Corium black ............. 14 

— Corium almost entirely light red ......... 16 

14. Legs yellow or red ............ 15 

— Legs yellow ; femora apically, tibiae basally black .... insulanus sp. n. 

15. Legs red ; abdomen light red ......... miles sp. n. 

— Legs yellow ; abdomen yellow ........ schultzei sp. n. 

16. Basal third of corium fuscous ; remainder light red .... dubius Reuter 

— Basal third of corium not fuscous ......... 17 

17. Hemelytral membrane black ........ varicolor St&l 

— Hemelytral membrane fuscous with basal half of internal cell and anal area yellow 

elegans Stal 

18. Legs red ; clavus, greater part of area between claval suture and Cu yellow varipennis sp. n. 

— . Legs not entirely red ; clavus and area between claval suture and Cu black . . 19 

19. Femora piceous with bluish lustre ......... 20 

— Femora red, apically piceous .......... 22 

20. Scutellum coral red ....... kukenthali Breddin 

— Scutellum black or piceous . . . . . . . . . .21 

21. Segments 2-5 of abdomen ventrally red ; remaining segments piceous with metallic 

blue lustre ........... attrahens sp. n. 

— Segments 2-5 of abdomen ventrally yellow ; remaining segments and mid-ventrally 

piceous .......... ovatulus Miller 

22. Abdomen piceous ; scutellum reddish yellow . . . . . . .23 

— Abdomen and scutellum differently coloured ....... 24 

23. Meso- and metapleura light red . . . . . . brunneiventris sp. n. 

— Meso- and metapleura light red with metallic bluish spot . . . meldolae Distant 

24. Corium black or fuscous broadly laterally light red ...... 25 

— Corium black or fuscous ........... 27 

25. Segment 6 of connexivum pale yellow ...... convivus Miller 

— Segment 6 of connexivum not pale yellow ........ 26 

26. Segment 6 of connexivum red ........ timorensis sp. n. 

— Segment 6 of connexivum piceous ...... friihstorferi Breddin 

27. Abdomen piceous ; segments 6 and 7 with connexivum yellow . . . . 28 

— Abdomen differently coloured .......... 29 

28. Posterior femora piceous ........ mouhoti sp. n. 

— Posterior femora red, apically piceous ....... dux sp. n. 

29. Anterior tibiae piceous ; red in apical half ....... 30 

— Anterior tibiae piceous ........... 3 2 

entom. 8, 2. 3 



3 °. 





36 . 
38 . 




42 . 







5 °- 

5 1 - 


Connexival segments 2-5 without a yellow spot ; segment 6 ventrolaterally with a 

large yellow spot ......... celebensis sp. n. 

Connexival segments 2-5 with a yellow spot ; abdominal segments 6, 7 and 9 

yellow ............. 31 

Other segments of abdomen ventrally piceous ..... excellens sp. n. 

Other segments of abdomen ventrally red, narrowly piceous with bluish lustre 

laterally ........... salvazai sp. n. 

Connexival segments 2-5 without a yellow spot ...... 33 

Connexival segments 2-5 with a yellow spot . . . . . . .41 

Connexival segments 6 and 7 yellow ......... 34 

Connexival segment 6 yellow, 7 piceous ........ 35 

Ventral abdominal segment 6 yellow, 7 piceous suffused with yellow . helluo sp. n. 

Ventral abdominal segments 6 and 7 piceous, yellow laterally . obscuripennis sp. n. 

Anterior and median femora red, obscurely piceous apically . . rabiosus Miller 

Anterior and median femora red, moderately broadly and distinctly piceous apically 36 
Abdomen ventrally mostly piceous . . . . . . . . . 37 

Abdomen ventrally mostly red ......... 38 

Corium black with obscure reddish suffusion basally .... similis sp. n. 

Corium fuscous with distinct, wide, reddish suffusion basally . . ambulator sp. n. 

Segment 7 of abdomen yellow suffused with piceous apically ; segment 6 yellow 

suffused with red mid-ventrally . . . . . . . assamensis sp. n. 

Segment 7 of abdomen piceous ; segment 6 piceous suffused with yellow laterally . 39 

Segments 2-5 of abdomen ventrally piceous .... cameronicus sp. n. 

Segments 2-5 of abdomen ventrally not piceous ...... 40 

Segments 2-5 of abdomen red mid-ventrally .... versicolor (Laporte) 

Segments 2-4 red mid-ventrally ; segment 5 piceous with faint reddish suffusion 

servus sp. n. 

Ventral abdominal segments 6 and 7 yellow ....... 42 

Ventral abdominal segments 6 and 7 piceous, yellow laterally . . . . 47 

Ventral abdominal segments 6 and 7 with brown suffusion mid-ventrally hageni sp. n. 
Ventral abdominal segments 6 and 7 not suffused with brown . . . . 43 

Corium fuscous with red suffusion basally ....... 44 

Corium black with red or yellow suffusion basally .... hilaris sp. n. 

Corium with very faint reddish suffusion basally .... gracilis sp. n. 

Corium with moderately broad reddish suffusion basally ..... 45 

Anterior and median femora red, narrowly piceous apically ; meso- and metapleura 

piceous with metallic blue lustre ........ vilis sp. n. 

Anterior and median femora red, broadly piceous apically ; meso- and metapleura 

red .............. 46 

Apical margin of seventh ventral abdominal segment yellow . . vorax Miller 

Apical margin of seventh ventral abdominal segment piceous . . propinquus sp. n. 

Segment 6 of abdomen ventrolaterally with a large triangular yellow spot 

vexillarius sp. n. 

Segment 6 of abdomen ventrolaterally with a yellow spot or suffusion ... 48 

Segment 7 of abdomen ventrolaterally with a yellow spot or suffusion ... 49 

Segment 7 of abdomen ventrolaterally without a yellow spot or suffusion 

obscuripes sp. n. 

Corium fuscous ............ 50 

Corium fuscous with narrow reddish suffusion basally . . . . . . 51 

Connexivum of seventh abdominal segment ventrally basally yellow . flavicans sp. n. 
Connexivum of seventh abdominal segment ventrally piceous . taipingensis Miller 
Reddish suffusion at base of corium well defined ....... 52 

Reddish suffusion at base of corium ill-defined ....... 54 

Spots on connexival segments 3-5 wide and well defined . . . . . 53 


— Spots on connexival segments 3-5 narrow and with somewhat suffused margins 

dyak sp. n. 

53. Ventral abdominal segments 2 and 3 moderately broadly red ; part of segments 4 and 

5 red ........... mjobergi sp. n. 

— Ventral abdominal segments 2 and 3 narrowly red ; part of segments 4 and 5 not red 

nitidus Miller 

54. Abdominal segment 7 ventrolaterally with a large, pale yellow spot . nebulosus sp. n. 

— Abdominal segment 7 ventrolaterally with a very small pale yellow spot . . 55 

55. Segment 2 of abdomen mid-ventrally red ..... selangor ensis Miller 

— Segments 2-6 of abdomen mid-ventrally suffused with red . . . veneficus Miller 

Key to Species in cruentus Group 

1. Corium black with apical half coral red and base with faint red suffusion ; membrane 

black ............ luzonicus sp. n. 

- Corium light red with wide, transverse fuscous stripe sub-basally ; membrane 

fuscous ........... cruentus Stal 

List of Species in nigrirostris Group 



Tiarodes erinnys Miller 


British Museum (N.H.), London. 

T. hieroglyphicus Miller 


,, ,, ,, 

T. jucundus sp. n. 


Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

T. juncturus Walker 

. p atria ignota . 

British Museum (N.H.), London. 

T. lotus sp. n. 

. Sumatra 

Rijksmuseum van Natuhrlijke Historie, Leiden. 

T. nigrirostris Stal 

. J ava 

Natuurhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. 

T. nobilis sp. n. 

. Ceram 

British Museum (N.H.), London. 

T. opulentus sp. n. 


,, »» >» »» 

T. ostentans sp. n. 

. Indo-China . 

Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

T. pustulatus St&l 


British Museum (N.H.)., London 

T. sakai Miller 


,, »> >» »» 

T. scriptus sp. n. 


,, »» t> »» 

T. sulaensis sp. n. 

Sula I. 

Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. 

T. xantusi Reuter 


Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary. 

List of Species in 

waterstradti Group 

Tiarodes acutangulus sp. 

n. . Sarawak 

British Museum (N.H.), London. 

T. amoenus Miller 

. ,, 

99 *9 99 99 

T. malayanus Distant 

. Malaya 

99 99 99 99 

T. nemoralis sp. n. 

• ,, 

99 99 99 99 

T. simplex sp. n. 


Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

T. sumatr ensis sp. n. 


Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universitat, 

T. waterstradti Breddin 


Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. 

List of Species in versicolor Group 

Tiarodes ambulator sp. n. 


Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universitat, 

T. assamensis sp. n. 


Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. 

T. attrahens sp. n. 

Sumba I. 

Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 



T. biroi sp. n. 

. New Guinea 

T. bradleyi sp. n. 

. Solomon Is. 

T. browni sp. n. 

• 99 

T. brunneiventris sp. n. 


T. bukit Miller 


T . cameronicus sp. n. 

. ,, 

T. celebensis sp. n. 

. Celebes 

T. convivus Miller 

. Enggano Is. 

T. dohertyi Miller 

. Halmahera 

T. dubius Reuter 

. Philippine Is. 

T. dux sp. n. 


T. dyak sp. n. 


T. elegans St&l 


T. elongatus Miller 


T. excellens sp. n. 


T. flavicans sp. n. 


T. fruhstorferi Breddin 


T. gracilis sp. n. 


T. hageni sp. n. 


T. helluo sp. n. 

. Cochin China 

T. hilaris sp. n. 


T. insulanus sp. n. 

. Philippine Is. 

T. kukenthali Breddin 

. Batchian 

T. meldolae Distant 

. Andaman Is. 

T. miles sp. n. 

. Philippine Is. 

T. mirandus Miller 

. Malaya 

T. mjobergi sp. n. 

. Sarawak 

T. mouhoti sp. n. 

. Cambodia 

T. nebulosus sp. n. 


T. nitidus Miller 

• 99 

T. obscuripennis sp. n. 


T. obscuripes sp. n. 


T. obyanus Distant 

Obi Is. 

T. ovatulus Miller 

Solor Is. 

T. picturatus Distant 

. Batchian 

T. propinquus sp. n. 


T. rabiosus Miller 


T. rujithorax Reuter 


T. salvazai sp. n. 

. Indo-China 

T. schultzei sp. n. 

. Philippine Is. 

T. selangorensis Miller 


T. serenus Miller 

. New Guinea 

T. servus sp. n. 


T. similis sp. n. 


T. taipingensis Miller 

• 99 

T. timorensis sp. n. 


T. varicolor St&l 

. Philippine Is. 

T. varipennis sp. n. 


T. veneficus Miller 


T. versicolor (Laporte) 

. Java 

T. vexillarius sp. n. 


T. vilis sp. n: 

. Indo-China 

T. vorax Miller 


Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

M >» *» M 

British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universitat, 

British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary, 

British Museum (N.H.), London. 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. 
Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

99 99 99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 9 9 99 99 

Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 

PDeutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 
Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 
Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin. 
Magyar Nemzeti Museum, Budapest, Hungary. 
Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 

ft »» tt ft 

Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

99 99 99 99 

Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. 
Riksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 


Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum |Budapest, Hungary. 
Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 
British Museum (N.H.), London. 


List of Species in cruentus Group 

Tiarodes cruentus Stal . Philippine Is. . Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. 

T. luzonicus sp. n. ,, British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Tiarodes jucundus sp. n. 

(PI. 1, fig. 6) 

Colour. Antennae missing. Head shining black ; gula, anteocular narrowly, 
postocular widely, base laterally, yellow ; rostrum missing. Thorax reddish yellow ; 
lateral angles of collar paler ; anterior pronotal lobe with 4 obscure piceous spots 
basally ; posterior two-thirds of posterior lobe and all of median depression, piceous ; 
scutellum piceous ; foveole with faint reddish suffusion. Hemelytra black ; corium 
with a large, transverse, ovate spot extending to costal margin, yellow. Connexivum 
black ; segment 2 with faint yellow suffusion laterally ; segments 3-6 with a large, 
suboblique transverse spot apically, segment 7 with apex yellow ; segments 2-5 
of abdomen ventrally reddish yellow, with a piceous spot laterally ; segment 5 
laterally with suffusion, segments 6-8 yellow ; segment 5 with 2 transverse spots 
mid- ventrally ; segment 6 with an arcuate spot, segment 7 with an ovate spot and 
a median stripe leading to apex, piceous. Tibiae and tarsi black ; coxae, trochanters, 
femora light red ; anterior and median femora narrowly apically, posterior femora 
very broadly apically black. 

Structure. Anteocular with feeble, regular, transverse striae laterally. Median 
depression on anterior and posterior pronotal lobes wide and deep, that on posterior 
lobe with somewhat obscure, transverse striae and a deep, transverse foveole anteri- 
orly ; transverse sulcus with 1 deep, subcircular foveole and a smaller ovate foveole ; 
posterolateral angles moderately strongly produced, conical, acute, directed inwards 
somewhat ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole moderately deep, 
strongly transversely depressed anteriorly. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa half as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 31-00 mm.; hemelytra, 18-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 9*10 

One $ (holotype), Sumatra, Serdang, Tobermeer, Dr. B. Hagen. 

Tiarodes lotus sp. n. 

(PI. 1, fig. 10) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head shining black with faint metallic green lustre ; anteocular and postocular 
laterally, gula and base whitish yellow ; neck dorsally almost entirely piceous ; 
basal segment of rostrum piceous ; remaining segments testaceous. Thorax yellow ; 
anterior pronotal lobe with faint linear brown suffusion ; posterior lobe with brown 
suffusion medially and laterally posteriorly. Corium and membrane black, the 
former with a subreniform pale yellow spot extending almost to costal margin. 
Abdomen reddish yellow ; connexival segments with irregular black spots. Tarsi 


brown ; coxae, trochanters and femora yellow ; anterior and median femora with 
broad black suffusion in apical half ; tibiae black. 

Structure. Head smooth ; anteocular laterally with obscure, widely-spaced, 
transverse striae. Median depression on anterior and posterior pronotal lobes very 
deep, wide, short ; transverse sulcus with a deep, circular foveole on each side of 
depression ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe moderately strongly produced, 
slender, acute, directed backwards ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; foveole 
on disc deep with obscure transverse sulci. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa on anterior tibiae about one-half as long, on median tibiae one- 
third as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 21*50 mm.; hemelytra, 14*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6*oo mm. 
One <5 (holotype), Sumatra, Solok, 1913, P. O. Stolz. 

Tiarodes nobilis sp. n. 

(PI. 1, fig. 8) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae dark brown ; remaining segments 
testaceous. Head, segments 1 and 2 of rostrum black ; segment 3 of rostrum brown ; 
base of head suffused with brown. Thorax black. Hemelytra black with a yellow 
discal spot. Abdomen light red ; segment 2 ventrally except laterally, black ; 
segments 3-6 basally and apically with transverse piceous suffusion ; segment 7 
with a large, lunate black spot with margin suffused with brown ; genital segments 
black. Legs light red ; tibiae basally and apically, femora apically black ; tarsi 
brown ; suffusion on anterior tibiae relatively wider ; coxae and trochanters black. 

Structure. Head smooth, shining with feeble transverse striae laterally and 
on antennophores. Median sulcus on posterior pronotal lobe transversely carinulate ; 
posterolateral angles of posterior lobe produced, subacute, directed backwards. 
Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa a little 
less than half as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 29*00 mm.; hemelytra, 17*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 8*00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Ceram, Wallace (A. R.). 

Tiarodes opulentus sp. n. 

(PI. 1, fig. n) 

Colour. Antennae missing. Head dorsally black ; laterally, ventrolaterally and 
base pale yellow ; rostrum missing. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum 
piceous ; meso- and metapleura with piceous suffusion. Median depression on 
posterior pronotal lobe, posterior margin of lobe suffused with piceous. Hemelytra 
fuscous with a large discal yellow spot, the external margin of which extends to 
costa. Abdomen dorsally yellow with faint red suffusion ; connexival segment 2, 
most of 3 and 4 black ; segment 5 with a large spot, bifurcate on inner margin at 
base of segment, segment 6 with a smaller spot, segment 7 with a still smaller spot, 
black ; abdomen ventrally yellow with faint red suffusion ; connexival segments 
2, 3 and 4 (except apex), black ; segments 5 and 6 with a large black spot basally ; 


segments 2 and 3 ventrally black, both with yellow suffusion laterally ; segment 3 
with a yellow spot mid- ventrally ; segment 4 with a large black area enclosing a 
transverse, elongate yellow spot mid-ventrally and with a wide black stripe joining 
black area to lateral margin ; segments 5 and 6 with an arcuate black spot mid- 
ventrally and suffusion laterally ; segment 7 with a small piceous spot on apical 
margin medially. Anterior and median tibiae, posterior legs, black ; anterior and 
median femora narrowly black apically ; trochanters, median tibiae basally suffused 
with piceous ; coxae light red. 

Structure. Head smooth ; anteocular laterally coarsely striate ; vertex, except 
medially, feebly transversely striate ; medially aciculate, basally medially more 
coarsely striate ; postocular with very obscure, shallow narrow depressions. Anterior 
pronotal lobe with a narrow, sinuate sulcus subdorsally medially ; median depression 
on lobes posteriorly transversely carinulate ; posterior lobe with deep foveoles and 
longitudinal carinulae anteriorly ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe moderately 
produced, rounded apically and directed inwards feebly ; apex of scutellum broadly 
rounded apically and with transverse sulci. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa on anterior tibiae a little less than half as long, on median tibiae 
one-third as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 25*00 mm.; hemelytra, 16*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 7*50 mm. 

One (holotype), Siam (B.M. 65-13). 

Tiarodes ostentans sp. n. 

(pi. 1, 14) 

Colour. Antennae missing. Head black ; anteocular laterally, gula, postocular 
and base yellow ; segments 1 and 2 of rostrum piceous ; segment 3 brown. Pronotum 
light red ; median depression between lobes, posterior half of posterior lobe of 
pronotum, piceous ; produced part of posterolateral angles reddish ; scutellum 
black ; propleura, sterna, light red ; mesosternum with an oblong black spot 
laterally ; meso- and metapleura black ; acetabula reddish yellow. Abdomen dark 
yellow ; segment 2 ventrally black ; segments 3-5 almost entirely suffused with 
piceous ; segment 6 with a black stripe medially on apical margin ; connexival 
segments 2-4 black ; segment 4 with a circular yellow spot ; segment 5 black in 
basal half, remainder yellow ; segments 6 and 7 yellow. Corium black and fuscous 
with a large pale yellow discal spot extending almost to costal margin ; membrane 
black. Tibiae and tarsi black ; coxae light red ; anterior trochanters light red 
suffused with piceous ; median and posterior trochanters piceous ; anterior and 
median femora light red, broadly black apically ; median femora suffused with 
piceous basally ; posterior femora black. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally distinctly transversely striate ; ocellar area 
very obscurely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe with a distinct arcuate depression 
subdorsally ; median depression between lobes wide, deep, transversely striate ; 
transverse sulcus with a large, circular foveole and a small, circular foveole with 
external side open ; produced portion of posterolateral angles of posterior pronotal 
lobe thick, conical, subacute ; apex of scutellum broadly rounded ; discal foveole 


with surface strongly declivous ; sides of disc deeply depressed. Hemelytra extending 
to apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa a little less than half the length of tibiae. 

Total length, 28-00 mm.; hemelytra, 18-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 9-00 mm. 

One (holotype), Indo-China, Laos, Vitalis de Salvaza. 

Tiarodes scriptus sp. n. 

(pi. 1, 15) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae black ; remaining segments missing. 
Head shining black ; gula, base of head, postocular laterally, stripes on anteocular 
laterally, dull yellow ; rostrum black. Anterior pronotal lobe, propleura reddish 
yellow, the former with lateral angles of collar almost entirely, collar and 2 large 
subtriangular spots coalescing anteriorly, a large subtriangular spot laterally, 
confluent spots along posterior margin and laterally posteriorly, black ; posterior 
lobe black with an oblique, elongate yellowish spot anteriorly on each side of median 
depression ; scutellum black with reddish yellow suffusion at apex of disc ; pleura 
and sterna reddish yellow ; propleura with black spot at base of acetabular incision. 
Hemelytra fuscous with an elongate, suffused yellowish spot basally at claval suture 
and a transverse subtriangular yellowish discal spot, the acute angle directed 
towards costa. Connexivum black ; segment 3 with a small quadrate spot, segments 
4-6 with a transverse, subapical, elongate spot yellow ; segments 2-4 of abdomen 
ventrally reddish yellow ; segments 5-7 yellow ; pygophore yellow with brown 
suffusion ; segments 2-5 laterally with a large, irregular spot, segment 4 with 2 
spots mid-ventrally, segments 5 and 6 with a transverse spot mid-ventrally, segment 
7 with a triangular spot mid-ventrally, black ; connexivum of segment 7 ventrally 
suffused with yellow. Tarsi and tibiae black ; coxae, trochanters, femora, reddish 
yellow ; anterior and median femora broadly apically, posterior femora with apical 
half, black ; basal margins of black areas suffused and reddish yellow areas with 
somewhat obscure, linear black suffusion. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally striate, the striae more or less parallel. Median 
depression on both pronotal lobes wide and deep, particularly on posterior lobe ; 
base of depression on anterior lobe with short, transverse carina ; depression on 
posterior lobe with a wide, deep foveole anteriorly and shorter transverse sulci 
posteriorly ; transverse sulcus with a large and a small deep foveole and carinulae 
laterally ; posterolateral angles strongly produced, triangular, acute ; apex of 
scutellum narrowly rounded ; disc damaged ; laterally irregularly sulcate. Hemely- 
tra extending very little beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa a little more 
than half as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 27-00 mm.; hemelytra, 17-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 7-50 mm. 

One (holotype), E. Borneo, Sanga Sanga, W. D. Jensen (B.M. 1907-203). 

Tiarodes sulaensis sp. n. 

(Pl. 1, fig. 16) 

Colour. Basal segment of antennae piceous ; remaining segments brown. Head 
black, narrowly light brown basally ; gula dark yellow ; rostrum piceous. Anterior 


pronotal lobe dark yellow or reddish yellow with a black pattern ; posterior lobe, 
propleural epimeron, meso- and metapleura, scutellum shining black ; lateral 
angles of collar suffused with brown ; propleural epimeron dark or reddish yellow, 
suffused with black posteriorly ; prosternum yellow ; stridulatory furrow black ; 
meso- and metastemum black, the former suffused with yellow anteriorly. Segments 
2-4 of abdomen black ; segment 3 narrowly ventrolaterally, segment 4 mid- 
ventrally with reddish yellow suffusion ; remaining segments reddish yellow with 
brownish suffusion mid-ventrally ; genital segments suffused with piceous. Corium 
fuscous somewhat paler laterally and with a small, median whitish spot ; membrane 
dark infumate. Tarsi light brown ; anterior and median tibiae, posterior femora 
and tibiae black ; anterior and median femora reddish yellow, narrowly black 
apically ; median femora with brown suffusion basally ; coxae and trochanters 
reddish yellow suffused with piceous. 

Structure. Head smooth ; vertex and laterally with transverse striae which 
are less defined on vertex. Anterior pronotal lobe with a wide, shallow, oblique 
sulcus with sulci within it ; median depression on both lobes very deep and trans- 
versely carinulate ; subdorsal foveole on transverse sulcus very deep ; sulcus also 
with strong, transverse carinulae ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe somewhat 
strongly produced, subacute, directed backwards. Apex of scutellum subacute and 
constricted subapically. Hemelytra extending a little beyond apex of abdomen. 
Segment 7 of abdomen ventrally with strong transverse sulci ; segment 6 with irregu- 
lar, somewhat feeble sulci. Fossula spongiosa a little less than half as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 31-00 mm.; hemelytra, 18-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 8-50 mm. 

One <j> (holotype), Sula. 

Tiarodes acutangulus sp. n. 

(PI. 1, fig. 2) 

Colour. Antennae piceous ; apical segments somewhat paler. Head black ; 
anteocular laterally, gula, postocular laterally pale yellow ; neck pale yellow, 
dorsally piceous anteriorly ; basal segment of rostrum piceous ; remaining segments 
brown. Thorax dark yellow ; anterior pronotal lobe with 2 large bilobate spots 
anteriorly, a semicircular spot medially laterally, a large bifurcate spot at postero- 
lateral angles, a large elongate spot on each side of median depression and a large 
spot almost confluent with them, piceous. Segments 2-4 of abdomen dark yellow ; 
remaining segments pale yellow ; segment 2 of connexivum with external margin 
black ; segments 3-7 with a large, more or less triangular spot basally black ; seg- 
ments 3-4 also apically narrowly black ; apical margin of segment 3 dorsolaterally 
narrowly black ; apical margin of segments 4-7 black ; segments 5 and 6 with an 
undulate piceous spot laterally ; segment 7 with piceous suffusion medially. Corium 
dark yellow, broadly fuscous apically ; clavus fuscous, except external margin 
narrowly yellow ; apical half of area between claval suture and Cu y base of costa, 
fuscous. Coxae, trochanters, femora pale yellow ; femora narrowly piceous apically ; 
anterior tibiae pale yellow, broadly apically, narrowly basally piceous ; median 
and posterior tibiae piceous ; tarsi dark brown. 



Structure. Anteocular laterally with a few obscure, transverse striae. Anterior 
pronotal lobe with a very obscure transverse sulcus subdorsally ; median depression 
on lobes wide and deep with somewhat obscure transverse and oblique sulci within 
it ; produced part of posterolateral angles of posterior lobe very acute ; apex of 
scutellum rounded, subtruncate ; foveole on disc deep, subtriangular ; sides of disc 
almost smooth. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa a 
little more than half as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 18*50 mm.; hemelytra, 11*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*80 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Sarawak, foot of Mt. Dulit, junction of Rivers Tinjar and Lejok, 
10. ix. 1932, B. M. Hobby & A. W. Moore (Oxford Univ. Exped. B.M. 1933-254). 

Tiarodes nemoralis sp. n. 

(pi. 1, 3) 

Colour. Basal segment of antennae piceous ; remaining segments testaceous ; 
segment 2 basally and apically narrowly piceous. Head black with faint metallic 
green lustre ; anteocular laterally, including antennophores, postocular laterally, 
base of head yellowish ; neck very narrowly piceous anteriorly ; basal segment of 
rostrum piceous ; remaining segments brown. Thorax dark yellow ; pleura and 
sterna suffused with red ; anterior pronotal lobe with a large, subtriangular spot 
medially laterally, a large angulate spot at posterolateral angles and 2 large spots on 
posterior margin, dark brown. Corium pale yellow with apex broadly fuscous, 
an elongate spot on clavus and on anterior part of area between claval suture and 
Cu and a stripe on costa basally, fuscous ; membrane fuscous ; venation black. 
Abdomen ventrally pale yellow ; segments 2-4 suffused with red ; segments 4 
and 5 with a brown spot on each side of mid-venter ; connexival segments 3-7 
with a spot basally, piceous. Legs pale yellow ; coxae trochanters and femora with 
light red suffusion ; tibiae with brown suffusion basally and apically, that on median 
and posterior tibiae covering nearly half of tibiae ; tarsi testaceous. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally with distinct, widely-spaced transverse striae 
Anterior pronotal lobe with a moderately deep subcircular depression subdorsally ; 
median depression on lobes wide and deep ; transverse sulcus with 2 large circular 
foveoles ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe narrowly conical, acute ; apex 
of scutellum narrowly rounded ; disc laterally with a few sulci. Hemelytra extending 
just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa on anterior tibiae a little more 
than one-third as long, on median tibiae one-third as long as tibia. 

Total length, 19*00 mm.; hemelytra, 13*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6*oo mm. 

One 9 (holotype), Malaya, Gunong Angsi, Negri Sembilan, 2000-2790 ft. April 
1918 (B.M. 1955-354). 

Tiarodes simplex sp. n. 

(PI. 4, fig. 20) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head black ; anteocular laterally, gula, yellow ; vertex adjacent to antennophores 
with yellow suffused spot ; neck yellow, anteriorly narrowly piceous ; basal segment 



of rostrum piceous ; remaining segments brown. Thorax yellow ; anterior pronotal 
lobe anteriorly subdorsally with a securiform spot, sublaterally with a circular spot, 
laterally with a pyriform spot, a large bilobate spot at posterolateral angles and 2 
large circular spots posteriorly piceous. Corium pale yellow ; area between claval 
suture and Cn with brown suffusion ; apex of corium broadly piceous ; membrane 
black, fuscous basally ; costa basally with faint brown suffusion. Abdomen ventrally 
yellow ; apical margin of segments 3-7 dorsally narrowly black ; segments 5-7 
with a transverse brownish stripe laterally ; connexival segments 3-7 with a w T ide, 
quadrate spot basally and apical margin narrowly black. Anterior femora and tibiae, 
median and posterior femora pale yellow ; tibiae basally and apically, femora 
apically with brown suffusion ; median and posterior femora black ; tarsi dark 

Structure. Postocular laterally with moderately distinct transverse striae. 
Anterior pronotal lobe with a small, obscure depression subdorsally ; median depres- 
sion on anterior and posterior lobes wide and deep and with obscure sulci posteriorly ; 
transverse sulcus with a deep, circular foveole and a small, parallel-sided foveole 
and a shallow depression with carinulae within it laterally ; produced portion of 
posterolateral angles moderately thick, acute ; apex of scutellum rounded ; foveole 
on disc deep, transverse ; sides of disc with longitudinal sulci. Hemelytra extending 
just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa half as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 21*00 mm.; hemelytra, 14*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6*50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Borneo, Long Bloeoe, Mahakkam, 1898, Dr. Nieuwenhuis. 

Tiarodes sumatrensis sp. n. 

(PI. 4> fig. 18) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head black ; anteocular laterally, antennophores, gula and postocular laterally 
pale yellow ; base of head broadly pale yellow ; rostrum brown. Thorax pale reddish 
yellow ; anterior pronotal lobe with a small spot medially laterally, an angular 
spot on posterolateral angles and 4 circular spots posteriorly, brown. Corium very 
pale or whitish yellow ; clavus fuscous except external margins narrowly whitish 
yellow ; area between claval suture and Cu with an elongate fuscous spot ; apex of 
corium broadly fuscous ; membrane fuscous ; venation greyish. Abdomen ventrally 
pale yellow ; segments 2-4 and part of 5 ventrally suffused with red ; connexival 
segments 3-6 with a quadrate spot basally, segment 7 with an irregular spot basally, 
piceous ; dorsal segments 5-7 with apical margin narrowly black. Legs pale yellow ; 
coxae, trochanters and femora suffused with light red ; anterior and median tibiae 
with a broad suffusion apically particularly on inner surface and a narrow suffusion 
basally, piceous ; posterior tibiae with a narrow suffusion apically and moderately 
wide suffusion on inner surface basally, piceous ; tarsi testaceous. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally obscurely but more or less regularly transversely 
striate. Anterior pronotal lobe with a small, distinct, circular depression subdorsally ; 
median depression between lobes wide and deep with obscure, shallow, transverse 
and oblique sulci within it ; transverse sulcus with 2 moderately deep circular 


foveoles and oblique sulci laterally ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe triangular, 
acute ; apex of scutellum rounded ; disc laterally with feeble longitudinal sulci. 
Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about 
one-half the length of tibiae. 

Total length, 20*50 mm.; hemelytra, 13*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6* 10 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Sumatra, ober-Langkat, Deli, 1894, M. V. de S. 

Tiarodes ambulator sp. n. 

(PI. 2, fig. 16) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae brown ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head black with violaceous lustre ; gula brown ; base of head very narrowly dull 
yellow ; rostrum testaceous. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum 
piceous with faint violaceous lustre. Abdomen ventrally black with metallic bluish 
lustre ; segment 2 entirely mid-ventrally and with anterior margin laterally dull 
red ; segment 3 mid-ventrally dull red ; segments 6 and 7 laterally suffused with 
yellow ; segment 7 with an angulate yellowish spot mid-ventrally ; connexivum 
piceous with violaceous lustre ; connexival segment 6 yellow except internal margin 
narrowly brownish. Corium fuscous, broadly light red basally ; membrane black. 
Tarsi testaceous ; anterior and median tibiae piceous narrowly suffused with light 
red apically ; posterior tibiae piceous ; coxae trochanters, femora light red ; anterior 
and median femora narrowly apically, posterior femora moderately broadly apically 
black with metallic blue lustre. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally somewhat coarsely striate ; area between 
ocelli and transverse sulcus transversely striate. Median depression on anterior 
pronotal lobe narrow, deep, on posterior lobe wide and somewhat shallow ; anterior 
lobe posteriorly with a subtriangular flattened area on each side of depression ; 
transverse sulcus without distinct foveoles but with somewhat obscure transverse 
carinulae ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe feebly produced, acute ; apex of 
scutellum narrowly rounded ; disc damaged ; sides of disc very obscurely striate. 
Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about 
one-fifth as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 14*00 mm., $ 16*00 mm.; hemelytra, 9*00 mm., $ 10*20 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, 4*30 mm., $, 5*00 mm. 

One (J (holotype), Sumatra, N. 0 . Kust, G. Martin, 1 $ (paratype), S. W. Lampongs, 
Mt. Tanggamoes, Giesting, 600 m., xii.1934, Lieftinck/Toxopeus. 

Paratype in Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 

Tiarodes assamensis sp. n. 

(pi. 2 , %. 4 ) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head piceous with faint metallic blue lustre ; gula brown ; base of head narrowly 
yellow ; rostrum yellow. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum piceous. 
Hemelytra and membrane black, the former broadly light red basally. Connexivum 
piceous, except segment 6, yellow ; abdomen with segments 2-5 ventrally light red, 



narrowly black with metallic blue lustre laterally ; segments 6 and 7 yellow, the 
former suffused with light red medially, the latter piceous apically ; pygophore 
piceous. Tarsi testaceous ; tibiae black ; anterior tibiae with suffusion apically, 
median tibiae in apical half, light red ; coxae, trochanters and femora light red ; 
femora narrowly black apically. 

Structure. Anteocular more or less regularly transversely striate laterally; 
postocular with very obscure striae. Anterior pronotal lobe with very obscure 
striae on collar and a very feeble oblique depression subdorsally ; median depression 
on both lobes wide and deep ; transverse sulcus with a deep foveole on each side of 
depression ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not produced, rectangular. 
Apex of scutellum conical. Hemelytra extending a little beyond apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa one-quarter the length of tibiae. 

Total length, 15-00 mm.; hemelytra, 10-70 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4-50 

One (holotype), Assam, Sylhet. 

Tiarodes attrahens sp. n. 

(PI- 4 > %. 5) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae brown ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head black with faint violaceous lustre ; gula dull castaneous ; base of head nar- 
rowly light brown. Thorax, except scutellum, red ; scutellum piceous with faint 
violaceous lustre. Segments 2-5 of abdomen red ; remaining segments piceous with 
faint violaceous or greenish lustre. Corium light red ; greater part of clavus apically 
and of area between claval suture and Cu fuscous suffused with yellow marginally ; 
membrane fuscous. Tarsi testaceous ; coxae light red suffused with piceous ; tro- 
chanters, femora and tibiae piceous ; femora somewhat darker apically. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally somewhat coarsely, transversely rugulose ; 
area between ocelli and transverse sulcus with more or less regular transverse striae. 
Anterior pronotal lobe at base of lateral angles of collar with short, somewhat 
obscure transverse carinulae ; collar sublaterally with diagonal striae ; median 
depression between lobes wide, deep and with a small, median circular foveole ; 
transverse sulcus with a distinct, circular foveole and somewhat irregular trans- 
verse and oblique carinulae ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not produced, 
rectangular ; apex of scutellum rounded ; discal foveole ovate with transverse and 
oblique carinulae within it ; sides of disc with transverse sulci. Hemelytra extending 
just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as long as 

Total length, 18-00 mm.; hemelytra, 12-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6-oo mm. 

One $ (holotype), O. Sumatra, Kananggar, 700 m., v.1925, Dammerman. 

Tiarodes biroi sp. n. 

(PI. 4, fig. 1) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae brown ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head piceous with faint violaceous lustre ; base of head yellow ; rostrum piceous. 


Thorax and abdomen reddish yellow ; segments 6-9 piceous. Hemelytra fuscous ; 
corium narrowly pale yellow basally. Coxae pale reddish yellow ; trochanters, 
femora and tibiae piceous ; tarsi brown. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally irregularly striate ; postocular in front of 
ocelli obscurely transversely striate. Collar with short, somewhat obscure longi- 
tudinal striae ; median depression between lobes somewhat shallow ; posterior 
pronotal lobe anteriorly with obscure, short, longitudinal carinulae ; transverse 
sulcus with 2 shallow foveoles ; scutellar spine subacute ; foveole on scutellar disc 
shallow, subcircular. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. 

Total length, 10*50 mm.; hemelytra, 7*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 3*40 mm. 

One $ (holotype), 4 $ (paratypes), New Guinea, Erina, Astrolabe Bay, Biro, 

Two paratypes in British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Tiarodes bradleyi sp. n. 

(PI. 2, fig. 18) 

Colour. Antennae and rostrum piceous. Head black with metallic green lustre ; 
base narrowly yellow. Pronotum, propleura, prosternum, light red ; meso- and meta- 
pleura and sterna black with metallic green lustre ; metasternum anteriorly with 2 
large brownish spots. Abdominal segments 2-6 dorsally dark yellow ; segment 6 
suffused with piceous ; connexival segments 6 and 7, segment 7 black with metallic 
green lustre ; segment 2 with metallic green suffusion laterally ; remaining segments 
black wth metallic green lustre. Corium and membrane fuscous. Mesosternum and 
acetabula suffused with piceous. Tibiae piceous ; femora black with metallic green 

Structure. Head smooth ; anteocular laterally vermiculately striate ; area 
betweeh ocelli and transverse sulcus, irregularly striate. Anterior pronotal lobe with 
a wide, short, deep, subquadrate foveole sub-basally ; depression on posterior pro- 
notar lobe moderately deep ; transverse sulcus with a deep foveole on each side of 
depression ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe rounded, broadly angulate ; 
apex of scutellum subacute ; disc transversely striate. Hemelytra extending to 
apex of abdomen. Femora and tibiae with abundant, short, curved, subrecumbent, 
forwardly directed setae. Fossula spongiosa about one-fifth as long as tibiae. 

Total length, ii*oo mm.; hemelytra, 7*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 3*50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, Honiara, 8-12. ix. 1953 (at 
light), J. D. Bradley (Rennel Island Exped. B.M. 1954-222). 

Tiarodes broxvni sp. n. 

(pi. 2, fig. 17) 

Colour. Antennae piceous. Head and legs black with metallic green and violac- 
eous lustre. Segments 1 and 2 of rostrum piceous ; segment 3 brown. Base of head 
narrowly yellow. Collar, propleura anteriorly, acetabula, prosternum, light red ; 
anterior pronotal lobe piceous with faint violaceous lustre ; posterior lobe reddish 


yellow ; meso- and metapleura black with violaceous lustre ; propleural epimeron 
reddish yellow ; scutellum piceous ; apex light brown. Corium blackish green ; 
membrane black. Abdomen dorsally light brown, except connexival segments 2-5 
light red ; connexival segments 6 and 7 black with metallic green lustre ; segment 
2, except connexivum, segments 6 and 7, connexival segment 7 ventrally black 
with metallic green lustre ; remaining segments light red. 

Structure. Anteocular and postocular between ocelli and transverse sulcus 
transversely striate ; postocular between ocelli and neck with feeble, longitudinal 
striae. Anterior pronotal lobe with a diagonal sulcus laterally ; posterior lobe 
anteriorly with a feeble carina on each side of depression and short carinulae ; postero- 
lateral angles not produced, broadly rounded. Hemelytra extending just beyond 
apex of abdomen. Femora and tibiae with abundant, short, subrecumbent, forwardly 
directed setae. Fossula spongiosa about one-fifth as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 11*50 mm.; hemelytra, 6*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 3*30 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Solomon Islands, Malaita, Baunani, 6.ix.ig54, E. S. Brown 
(B.M. 1958-79). 

Tiarodes brunneivetitris sp. n. 

(PI. 4, fig. 14) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head black with metallic blue lustre ; gula and base of head reddish yellow ; segments 
1 and 2 of rostrum reddish yellow ; apical segment piceous. Thorax light red ; 
posterior pronotal lobe with median brown suffusion ; mesopleural epimeron with 
a piceous spot. Corium light red in basal half ; remainder fuscous ; base of clavus 
and part of basal area between claval suture and Cu , yellow ; membrane blackish 
infumate. Abdomen dark brown ventrally, with metallic blue lustre particularly 
laterally ; pygophore suffused with testaceous. Coxae, trochanters, femora and 
tibiae light red, femora apically, tibiae basally narrowly piceous ; tarsi brown. 

Structure. Anteocular strongly and finely reticulately rugose ; postocular with 
feeble diagonal and transverse striae. Anterior pronotal lobe anteriorly with short, 
irregular longitudinal striae and with a shallow, transversely striate sulcus sub- 
dorsally medially ; median depression on lobes deep ; posterior lobe with a large, 
deep, circular foveole on each side of depression and smaller foveoles in transverse 
sulcus ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not produced, broadly angulately 
rounded ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; foveole on disc moderately deep 
and with irregular sulci within it. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. Fossula 
spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 20-00 mm.; hemelytra, 11*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6*oo mm. 

One (holotype), Assam. 

Tiarodes cameronicus sp. n. 

(pi. 2, 23) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head piceous with very faint bluish lustre ; gula testaceous ; base of head yellow ; 
rostrum pale testaceous. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum piceous 


with faint bluish lustre ; apex somewhat pale. Hemelytra fuscous ; corium moder- 
ately broadly red basally. Abdomen ventrally piceous ; segment 6 laterally with a 
quadrate yellow area ; connexivum piceous with blue or violaceous lustre ; connexi- 
val segment 6 yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; anterior and median tibiae 
with wide reddish brown suffusion apically ; coxae, trochanters, femora light red ; 
femora with narrow piceous suffusion with bluish lustre apically. 

Structure. Anteocular and postocular immediately behind eyes moderately 
distinctly striate ; area between ocelli and transverse sulcus very obscurely striate. 
Anterior pronotal lobe with some very obscure oblique striae at base of collar, 
mostly laterally and a moderately deep, narrow, oblique sulcus subdorsally ; trans- 
verse sulcus without distinctly defined foveoles ; median depression on lobes wide 
and deep, but short on posterior lobe ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not 
produced, rectangular ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole ovate, 
moderately deep and with a smooth, elliptical, low, elevation medially. Hemelytra 
extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as 
long as tibiae. 

Total length, 15*50 mm.; hemelytra, io-oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*50 mm. 

One (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), Malaya, Boh, Cameron Highlands, 24. ix. 1940, 
N. C. E. Miller (B.M. 1947-269). 

Tiarodes celebensis sp. n. 

(pi. 3, 9) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head black with very faint metallic blue lustre ; gula brown ; base of head dark 
yellow ; rostrum light brown. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum 
piceous ; transversely striate area of metapleura suffused with brown. Corium 
black, moderately broadly light red basally ; membrane blackish infumate. Abdo- 
men fuscous or black with faint blue and green metallic lustre ; connexivum of seg- 
ment 6 dorsally with external half ventrally entirely yellow ; segment 6 ventro- 
laterally with an oblong yellow spot. Tarsi brown ; anterior tibiae dull red in apical 
half, remainder piceous ; median tibiae dull red suffused with piceous basally ; 
posterior tibiae piceous ; coxae, trochanters, femora light red, femora narrowly 
black apically. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally and area between ocelli and transverse sulcus 
coarsely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe laterally at base of collar coarsely, obliquely 
striate ; subdorsally with a shallow, oblique sulcus ; median depression on lobes 
moderately wide and deep ; transverse sulcus with 2 moderately deep foveoles and 
short, longitudinal carinulae ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not produced, 
acute ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole circular with surface 
subconvex ; disc laterally obscurely transversely striate. Hemelytra extending to 
apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 18*00 mm.; hemelytra, 12*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4-50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), Celebes, Limbotti, July-Sept. (no year), Rosen- 

Paratype in British Museum (N.H.), London. 



Tiarodes dux sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. i) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head black with metallic blue lustre ; gula and a spot behind eyes, reddish ; base 
of head yellow ; rostrum testaceous. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum 
black ; metapleura with transversely striate area piceous. Corium fuscous, moder- 
ately broadly light red basally ; membrane fuscous. Abdomen piceous ; segments 
6 and 7, 8, part of 9, pale yellow ; segments 6 and 7 mid-ventrally with piceous 
suffusion ; apical margin of segment 5 narrowly suffused with red ; connexival 
segments 5 and 6 dorsally with yellow suffusion. Anterior and median tibiae ligl^t 
red suffused with piceous basally ; posterior tibiae piceous ; coxae, trochanters, 
femora light red ; femora narrowly black apically. .. 

Structure. Anteocular irregularly transversely striate laterally ; vertex basaljy 
with 2 parallel-sided smooth areas basally ; area between ocelli and transverse 
sulcus obscurely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe obscurely, longitudinally and 
obliquely striate at base of collar ; median depression on lobes deep with a transverse, 
deep foveole medially ; transverse sulcus with 2 deep, subcircular foveoles and 
longitudinal carinulae ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe feebly produced, 
acute ; apex of scutellum acute and strongly transversely sulcate ; disc laterally 
irregularly sulcate. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula 
spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 18-00 mm. ; hemelytra, 12-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 570 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Burma, Tenasserim (Kirkaldy coll. B.M. 1912-513), 2 $ (para- 
types), Tavoy. 

Tiarodes dyak sp. n. 

(pi. 4. fig- 3) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae brown ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head piceous with faint violaceous lustre ; gula pale red ; base of head, rostrum 
yellow. Thorax, except scutellum light red ; scutellum piceous with violaceous 
lustre. Corium fuscous, moderately broadly light red basally ; membrane dark 
infumate. Abdomen piceous ; connexival segment 3 with a moderately wide spot, 
segments 4 and 5 with a very narrow, somewhat suffused spot basally, pale yellow ; 
connexival segment 6 pale yellow ; connexival segment 7 piceous ; segments 2 and 3 
mid-ventrally with faint reddish suffusion ; segments 6 and 7 with pale yellow 
suffusion laterally ; segment 8 pale yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; coxae, 
trochanters, anterior and median femora light red ; posterior femora light red, 
strongly suffused with piceous with violaceous lustre. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally with moderately distinct, transverse striae ; 
transverse sulcus with obscure, transverse striae. Anterior pronotal lobe with a 
very narrow sulcus within a shallow depression anteriorly ; median depression 
between lobes somewhat narrow and deep ; transverse sulcus with 2 deep foveoles ; 
posterolateral angles hardly at all produced ; . scutellar foveole distinctly circular, 

ENTOM. 8, 2. 



deep and with anterior two-thirds depressed ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded. 
Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen ; costal margin of corium 
distinctly convex in apical two-thirds. 

Total length, 14*50 mm.; hemelytra, 9*20 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*10 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Borneo, Xantus. 

Tiarodes excellens sp. n. 

(PL 2, fig. 2) 

Colour. Antennae missing. Head black with faint metallic green lustre ; gula> 
part of postocular laterally, dull red ; base of head, rostrum yellow. Pronotum, 
propleura coral red ; meso- and metapleura piceous ; acetabula light red ; scutellum 
dark metallic blue. Corium black, broadly red basally ; membrane fuscous. Abdomen 
piceous ventrally with dark metallic blue suffusion laterally ; segments 6 and 7, 
pygophore yellow ; connexival segments 2-5 piceous with dark metallic blue suffusion 
and a short, transverse yellow spot basally. Tibiae black in basal half, light red 
in apical half ; coxae, trochanters, femora light red ; femora narrowly black apically. 

Structure. Anteocular more or less regularly transversely striate laterally ; 
area between ocelli and transverse sulcus somewhat flattened, feebly transversely 
striate. Anterior pronotal lobe with a short, longitudinal and an oblique stria at 
base of collar ; lobe with a very obscure oblique sulcus subdorsally ; median depres- 
sion on both lobes moderately deep, that on posterior lobe obscurely, transversely 
striate ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not produced, rectangular, rounded. 
Apex of scutellum narrowly rounded apically ; foveole on disc deep, with irregular 
sulci ; sides of disc somewhat obscurely striate. Hemelytra extending a little beyond 
apex of abdomen. 

Total length, 16*50 mm., $ 19*00 mm., hemelytra, £ 11*00 mm., $ 13*00 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm., $ 6*oo mm. 

One <J (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), Siam, Khao Sabap, Chantaboon, 1936, J. 
Macbeth (B.M. 1937-24). 

Tiarodes flavicans sp. n. 

(pi. 3, 4) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head piceous with very faint violaceous and greenish lustre ; gula and rostrum 
yellow ; base of head narrowly yellow. Thorax, except scutellum, yellow ; scutellum 
piceous. Hemelytra fuscous with faint brownish suffusion basally. Abdomen 
ventrally dark brown broadly suffused with black with metallic blue lustre ; connexi- 
val segments 3-5 and 7 with a spot basally, segment 6, pale yellow ; segment 6, 
segment 7 partly, ventrolaterally narrowly yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; 
coxae, trochanters anterior and median femora yellow ; femora narrowly piceous 
with bluish lustre apically ; posterior femora brown, darker and with bluish lustre 

Structure. Anteocular laterally coarsely, transversely striate ; area between 
ocelli and transverse sulcus obscurely transversely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe 


obliquely striate at base of collar and with a short oblique sulcus subdorsally ; 
median depression on lobes wide and deep, particularly on posterior lobe ; transverse 
sulcus with a large and a small, deep foveole and oblique striae laterally ; postero- 
lateral angles of posterior lobe moderately strongly produced, conical ; apex of 
scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole moderately deep and with a longitudinal 
carina. Hemelytra extending very little beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa 
one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 16*50 mm.; hemelytra, 10*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Malacca (? Malaya), (B.M. 65-13). 

Tiarodes gracilis sp. n. 

(PI. 2, fig. 20) 

Colour. Segments I and 2 of antennae dark brown ; remaining segments testac- 
eous. Head piceous with metallic blue suffusion ; gula and base yellow ; rostrum 
yellow ; segments 2 and 3 suffused with brown. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; 
scutellum black with bluish lustre. Hemelytra fuscous with faint reddish suffusion 
basally. Segments 2-5 of abdomen mid-ventrally red ; laterally broadly piceous 
with bluish lustre ; segments 6 and 7 yellow ; pygophore piceous ; connexival 
segments 2-5 with bluish lustre ; segments 3-5 with a subquadrate yellow spot 
basally ; segment 6 yellow ; segment 7 piceous. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; 
femora light red ; anterior and median femora moderately broadly suffused with 
piceous for apical two-thirds, darker and with bluish lustre apically. 

Structure. Anteocular coarsely transversely striate laterally ; area between 
ocelli and transverse sulcus obscurely transversely sulcate and with a distinct sulcus 
between each ocellus and eye. Anterior pronotal lobe with distinct, oblique sulci 
behind lateral angles of collar and with a moderately deep sulcate depression sub- 
dorsally ; median depression on lobes moderately deep and with a very narrow 
median, longitudinal sulcus with a feebly rounded elevation at middle ; sides of 
depression on anterior lobe with a rounded flattened area basally ; transverse sulcus 
distinctly foveolate ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe feebly produced, acute ; 
apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole moderately deep and with 
irregular, transverse sulci. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa about one-fifth as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 14*00 mm.; hemelytra, 9*40 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*20 mm. 

One (holotype), Borneo, H. Donckin. 

Tiarodes hagetii sp. n. 

(PI. 2, fig. 3) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head black ; gula light red ; base of head yellow ; rostrum yellow. Thorax, except 
scutellum, coral red ; scutellum piceous with violaceous lustre. Hemelytra black ; 
corium basally moderately broadly red. Abdomen brown ; segments 2 and 3 mid- 
ventrally suffused with red ; segments 6 and 7 yellow suffused with brown mid- 


ventrally ; pygophore brown ; connexival segments 3-5 with bluish lustre and small 
yellow spot basally ; segment 6 yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; coxae, 
trochanters, anterior and median femora light red, femora narrowly black apically ; 
posterior femora light red suffused with brown in apical two-thirds. 

Structure. Anteocular coarsely striate laterally ; area between ocelli and 
transverse sulcus obscurely transversely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe at base of 
collar, particularly laterally, obliquely striate ; lobe with long, somewhat obscure, 
feebly curved sulcus subdorsally, extending almost to median depression ; foveoles 
on transverse sulcus subcircular, deep ; median depression on lobes wide and deep, 
with a narrow sulcus and a transverse foveole within it ; posterolateral angles of 
posterior lobe feebly produced, acute ; apex of scutellum rounded ; foveole on disc 
moderately deep, ovate with a transverse sulcus medially. Hemelytra extending 
just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-fifth as long as tibiae. 

Total length, $ 14*00 mm., $ 15*00 mm.; hemelytra, 9*30 mm., $ 9*70 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, 4*30 mm., $ 4*50 mm. 

One (holotype), 2 $ (paratypes), N. O. Sumatra, Tanjong Morawa, Serdang, 
Dr. B. Hagen. 

Paratype in British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Tiarodes helluo sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. 13) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae dark brown ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head black with faint green lustre ; gula, lower area of anteocular laterally, postocu- 
lar laterally and base of head, rostrum, testaceous. Pronotum and propleura dark 
yellow ; meso- and metapleura and sterna, piceous ; scutellum black with bluish 
lustre ; acetabula of meso- and metathorax suffused with dark yellow. Hemelytra 
black ; corium with obscure yellowish suffusion basally. Abdomen ventrally dark 
brown with metallic bluish suffusion laterally ; segments 6 and 7 with connexivum 
pale yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; anterior tibiae with light brown suffusion 
on outer surface apically ; coxae, trochanters, anterior and median femora dark 
yellow, femora with apex narrowly black with bluish lustre ; posterior femora 
dark yellow, strongly suffused with brown and with apex black with bluish lustre. 

Structure. Anteocular coarsely striate laterally ; area between ocelli and trans- 
verse sulcus somewhat obscurely vermiculately striate. Collar with obscure oblique 
sulci ; anterior pronotal lobe with a shallow, punctate oblique sulcus subdorsally ; 
median depression on lobes deep, with a very narrow longitudinal sulcus within it ; 
medially, depression deeper and with a short, longitudinal carina ; transverse sulcus 
with a moderately deep subcircular and an elliptical foveole ; posterolateral angles 
of posterior lobe not produced, broadly rounded ; apex of scutellum narrowly 
rounded ; discal foveole shallow, ill-defined. Hemelytra extending to apex of 
abdomen ; veins of corium with short, suberect setae. Fossula spongiosa a little 
more than one- third as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 17*00 mm.; hemelytra, io*6o mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*20 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Cochin China, Tayninh, 20. viii. 1923, R. Vitalis de Salvaza. 


Tiarodes hilaris sp. n. 

(pi. 4, fig. 4) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head piceous with violaceous lustre ; gula reddish yellow ; base of head, rostrum 
yellow. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum piceous with violaceous 
lustre. Hemelytra black ; corium moderately broadly dark red basally. Abdomen 
piceous ; connexival segments 3-5 with a transverse, quadrate yellow spot basally ; 
connexival segment 6 yellow ; connexival segment 7 piceous ; segments 3-5 ventrally 
with reddish suffusion which is somewhat obscure on segments 4 and 5 ; segments 
6 and 7 yellow ; segment 7 with piceous suffusion apically. Tarsi brown ; tibiae 
piceous ; coxae, trochanters, anterior and median femora red, broadly piceous 
with violaceous lustre apically ; posterior femora red with apical two-thirds piceous 
with violaceous lustre. 

Structure. Anteocular somewhat coarsely transversely striate ; postocular 
between transverse sulcus and ocelli with obscure, transverse, oblique and longi- 
tudinal striae. Anterior pronotal lobe with an oblique sulcus anteriorly ; collar, 
particularly at middle with distinct, short striae ; median depression between lobes 
deep ; transverse sulcus with 1 moderately deep foveole ; posterior lobe anteriorly 
with distinct carinulae and striations ; posterolateral angles moderately produced, 
conical, rounded ; foveole on scutellar disc wide, subcircular with transverse sulci 
within it ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; sides of disc with short, longitudinal 
striae. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. 

Total length, 15-00 mm.; hemelytra, 9-50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*60 mm. 

One ? (holotype), Borneo, Xantus. 

Tiarodes insulanus sp. n. 

(pi. 3, %. 14) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae dark brown ; remaining segments missing. 
Head black with metallic greenish lustre ; base of head suffused with brown ; 
segments 1 and 2 of rostrum yellow ; apical segment brown. Thorax metallic blue. 
Hemelytra fuscous. Abdomen yellow. Tarsi brown ; coxae brown ; trochanters, 
femora and tibiae yellow ; anterior femora moderately broadly, median and posterior 
femora narrowly apically, piceous with bluish lustre ; tibiae narrowly piceous 

Structure. Anteocular laterally somewhat obscurely striate. Collar with 
oblique striae ; anterior pronotal lobe very obscurely depressed subdorsally ; median 
depression on lobes wide and deep, less deep on posterior lobe ; transverse sulcus 
with 1 moderately large and deep, 1 small foveole and very short transverse carinulae ; 
posterolateral angles very feebly produced, rectangular. Apex of scutellum somewhat 
broadly rounded ; discal foveole deep, subcircular, almost smooth ; lateral margins 
of disc without sulci. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula 
spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 


Total length, 2000 mm.; hemelytra, 12-10 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 6 00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Philippine Islands, Imugan, 4000 ft., Nord Luzon, leg. G. 
Bottcher (B.M. 1949-474). 

Tiarodes miles sp. n. 

(PI- 3, fig- 6) 

Colour. Segments i and z of antennae dark brown ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head and thorax dark metallic blue ; head basally suffused with brown ; rostrum 
yellow. Hemelytra fuscous. Abdomen brick red ; segment 2 mid-ventrally, segment 
7 apically and genital segments suffused with black with metallic blue lustre. Tarsi 
testaceous ; coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae brick red. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally very obscurely aciculate ; area between ocelli 
and transverse sulcus obscurely transversely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe with 
some oblique striae at base of collar and a short, deep, oblique sulcus subdorsally ; 
median depression on both lobes wide and deep, that on posterior lobe widening 
considerably posteriorly ; transverse sulcus with a large, deep, semicircular foveole 
and a very small elliptical foveole ; posterolateral angles very feebly produced, 
broadly rounded ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole deep sub- 
circular and almost smooth ; lateral margins of disc with longitudinal sulci. Hem- 
el ytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-third 
as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 16*00 mm.; hemelytra, 1070 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5-00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Philippine Islands, Insel Masbate, Aroro, 11. viii.1917, leg. 
G. Bottcher (B.M. 1949-474). 

Tiarodes mjobergi sp. n. 

(PI. 2 , fig. 8) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head black with greenish violaceous lustre ; gula reddish yellow ; base of head 
pale yellow ; rostrum dark yellow. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum 
black with violaceous lustre. Hemelytra fuscous ; base of corium and clavus 
moderately broadly light red. Connexivum black with violaceous lustre ; segment 
6 and a moderately large, quadrate basal spot on segments 2-5 yellow ; abdomen 
ventrally piceous with violaceous lustre ; segments 2 and 3 narrowly mid-ventrally 
red ; segments 4 and 5 mid-ventrally suffused with red ; segment 6 laterally with a 
large spot with a narrow stripe leading from it, yellow. Tibiae and tarsi piceous ; 
coxae, trochanters, femora light red ; anterior and median femora narrowly apically, 
greater part of posterior femora basally piceous with violaceous lustre. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally somewhat obscurely transversely striate ; 
transverse sulcus minutely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe with short, oblique and 
longitudinal striae particularly near lateral angles of collar ; anterior lobe with a 
very obscure, oblique sulcus anteriorly subdorsally ; depression between lobes 
wide and deep ; transverse sulcus with a deep, subovate foveole and a smaller, 
elliptical foveole on each side of depression ; posterior lobe with a short carina 
adjacent to larger foveole ; posterolateral angles conical, short, acute ; apex of 


scutellum subacute ; discal foveole moderately large, subcircular with a transverse 
carinula within it. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula 
spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 16*00 mm.; hemelytra, 10*30 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*80 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Sarawak, Mt. Matang, E. Mjoberg. 

Tiarodes mouhoti sp. n. 

(PI. 4 . fig- 6) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head black with faint metallic blue lustre ; gula, lower area of anteocular immediate- 
ly in front of eyes, postocular and base of head, yellow ; rostrum yellow ; segments 
2 and 3 suffused with brown. Anterior pronotal lobe, propleural episternum, yellow ; 
acetabula, posterior pronotal lobe, propleural epimeron, reddish yellow ;* meso- 
and metapleura and sterna piceous ; scutellum black with metallic bluish lustre ; 
apex piceous. Corium fuscous, moderately widely reddish yellow basally ; membrane 
dark infumate. Abdomen piceous with metallic blue lustre ; segments 6 and 7 and 
genital segments yellow ; segment 7 dorsally apically, segment 8, piceous ; connexival 
segments 3-5 dorsally with a small, suffused yellow spot basally. Tibiae and tarsi 
piceous ; coxae, trochanters yellow with piceous suffusion ; anterior and median 
femora reddish yellow, narrowly black apically ; posterior femora brown with 
piceous suffusion. 

Structure. Anteocular coarsely striate laterally ; area between ocelli and trans- 
verse sulcus obscurely, vermiculately striate. Anterior pronotal lobe at base of 
collar strongly, longitudinally and obliquely striate ; subdorsally with an obscure 
oblique sulcus within a shallow depression ; median depression on both lobes short, 
medially very deep ; foveoles on transverse sulcus subcircular, deep ; posterolateral 
angles of posterior lobe very feebly produced, rounded ; apex of scutellum narrowly 
rounded ; foveole on disc subcircular with regular, transverse sulci ; sides of disc 
with obscure sulci. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa 
about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 17*00 mm.; hemelytra, ii-oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Cambodia, Mouhot. (B.M. 65-13). 

Tiarodes nebulosus sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. 5) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head black with faint violaceous lustre ; gula dark yellow ; base of head very 
narrowly yellow ; rostrum yellow ; apical segment suffused with brown. Thorax, 
except scutellum, light red ; scutellum black with faint violaceous lustre. Hemelytra 
black ; corium with very faint reddish suffusion basally. Connexival segments, 
except 6, black with metallic blue lustre ; segments 3-5 with quadrate yellow spot 
basally, largest on segment 3 ; segments 2 and 3 of abdomen ventrally red suffused 
with black with violaceous lustre laterally ; segments 3 and 4 piceous ; segments 

1 The actual colour of the pronotum was probably light but has been modified by the action of alcohol. 


6‘ and 7 yellow, piceous mid-ventrally with metallic green lustre. Tarsi light brown ; 
tibiae piceoiis ; anterior and median femora light red, broadly black with violaceous 
lustre apically, the basal margin of black areas suffused ; posterior femora piceous 
becoming black apically and basally narrowly suffused with red. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally somewhat coarsely transversely striate ; area 
between ocelli and transverse sulcus obscurely, vermiculately and transversely 
striate. Collar and base of lateral angles obliquely striate ; anterior lobe with distinct, 
oblique sulci subdorsally ; lobe posteriorly with a circular flattened area in front 
of large foveole on transverse sulcus ; median depression on lobes with 2 subcircular, 
moderately deep foveoles ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe moderately 
produced, conical, acute ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole 
moderately deep, ovate with anterior two-thirds depressed. Hemelytra extending 
just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 15*00 mm.; hemelytra, 10.50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*50 mm. 

. One $ (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), E. Borneo, 50 m. Balikpapan, Mentawei R., 
Ii. x. 1950, A. M. R. Wegner, 1 $ (paratype), Borneo, no precise locality, Schwaner. 

Paratype in British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Tiarodes obscuripenrtis sp. n. 

(pi. 4, fig. 12) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head piceous ; gula castaneous ; base of head dull yellow ; rostrum testaceous. 
Pronotum, propleura red ; meso- and metapleura and sterna piceous ; scutellum 
black. Hemelytra black ; corium obscurely suffused with dull red basally. Abdomen 
picepus ; connexival segments 6 and 7 dorsally and ventrally yellow ; segments 
6 and 7 ventrolaterally yellow. Tarsi brown ; anterior and median tibiae dull red 
suffused with piceous basally ; posterior tibiae piceous ; femora red, narrowly 
black apically. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally obscurely transversely striate. Anterior .pro- 
notal lobe with short, obscure striae at base of collar and an oblique straight sulcus 
subdorsally ; median depression on lobes very deep ; transverse sulcus with 2 deep, 
subcircular foveoles ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe feebly produced, 
rectangular, rounded ; apex of scutellum rounded ; disc depressed but without a 
distinct foveole ; disc laterally with feeble transverse sulci. Hemelytra extending 
just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa a little less than one-third as long 
as tibiae. 

Total length, 17*00 mm.; hemelytra, 10*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Malaya, Kedah, Gurun, Dec. 1915 (B.M. 1955-354). 

Tiarodes obscuripes sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. 11) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head piceous with metallic blue lustre ; gula and base yellow ; rostrum yellow. 


Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum black with violaceous suffusion. 
Hemelytra fuscous ; corium basally moderately broadly light red. Abdomen 
piceous ; segment 2 mid-ventrally light red ; connexival segments 3-5 with a moder- 
ately wide, quadrate yellow spot basally ; connexival segment 6 yellow ; segment 
6 ventrolaterally suffused with yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; anterior and 
median femora light red, broadly suffused with piceous apically ; posterior femora 
castaneous with narrow piceous suffusion apically. 

Structure. Anteocular distinctly transversely striate laterally ; area between 
ocelli and transverse sulcus obscurely transversely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe 
with an oblique, shallow depression subdorsally ; median depression on lobes 
moderately wide and deep and with a narrow longitudinal sulcus and a small median 
foveole within it ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe feebly produced, subacute ; 
apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; foveole on disc moderately deep, circular. 
Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one- 
quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 15*00 mm.; hemelytra, io*oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4-50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Sarawak (B.M. 65-13). 

Tiarodes propinquus sp. n. 

(pi. 2, fig. 13) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; apical segments testaceous. 
Head black with violaceous lustre ; gula dark yellow ; base of head, rostrum, light 
yellow ; apical segment of rostrum suffused with brown. Thorax, except scutellum, 
yellowish red ; scutellum black with a violaceous lustre. Hemelytra fuscous ; 
corium moderately broadly yellowish red basally. Abdomen mid-ventrally, except 
segments 6 and 7, reddish, broadly black with faint violaceous lustre laterally ; 
segments 6 and 7 yellow with brown suffusion mid-ventrally ; segment 7 laterally, 
pygophore piceous ; connexival segments 3-5 black with faint violaceous lustre and 
a quadrate yellow spot basally. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; coxae, trochanters’ 
anterior and median femora light red, femora moderately broadly black apically ;' 
posterior femora piceous with base narrowly light red. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally coarsely transversely striate ; area between 
ocelli and transverse sulcus regularly transversely striate. Anterior pronotal lobe 
with oblique striae behind lateral angles of collar and a very feeble oblique sulcus 
subdorsally ; median depression on lobes wide and deep, the depression on posterior 
lobe with transverse sulci ; transverse sulcus with 2 distinct, deep foveoles ; postero- 
lateral angles of posterior lobe feebly produced, conical, acute. Apex of scutellum 
rounded ; discal foveole moderately deep, large, subcircular and with transverse 
sulci apically. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa 
about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 16*00 mm.; hemelytra, 10*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Borneo, boven Makakkom (Borneo Exped., 1894, Dr. Nieuwen- 


Tiarodes salvazai sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. 2) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments testaceous. 
Head piceous with metallic green lustre ; gula, lower half of ante- and postocular 
red ; base of head yellow. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum piceous 
with metallic blue lustre. Corium and membrane black, the former narrowly light 
red basally. Segments 1-5 of abdomen ventrally red, narrowly and irregularly 
piceous with metallic blue lustre laterally ; segments 6 and 7 and pygophore yellow ; 
connexival segments 2-5 piceous with metallic blue lustre. Tarsi testaceous ; anterior 
tibiae piceous in basal half, light red in apical half ; median tibiae light red with 
narrow piceous suffusion basally ; posterior tibiae piceous ; coxae, trochanters, 
femora light red ; femora narrowly black apically. 

Structure. Anteocular more or less regularly transversely striate. Median 
depression on anterior pronotal lobe short, deep ; on posterior lobe short and some- 
what shallow ; transverse sulcus with a large and small foveole ; posterolateral 
angles of posterior lobe not produced, subrectangular. Apex of scutellum narrowly 
rounded, declivous. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula 
spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 16*00 mm., $ 17*00 mm.; hemelytra, 10*50 mm., $ 10*00 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm., $ 5*20 mm. 

One <3 (holotype), Indo-China, Tonkin, Hoabinh, June 1917, 1 <5 (paratype), 
Laos, Vientiane, 20.x. 1919, 1 $ (paratype), Laos, Na Hoi, 12.iii.i920, R. V. de 

Paratype in British Museum (N.H.), London. 

Tiarodes schultzei sp. n. 

(pi. 2, fig. 22) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head dark metallic blue, narrowly brown basally ; rostrum yellow. Thorax metallic 
blue. Hemelytra fuscous. Abdomen dark yellow ; pygophore black with faint 
bluish lustre. Legs dark yellow. 

Structure. Anteocular somewhat coarsely transversely striate. Anterior pronotal 
lobe with obscure striae at base of lateral angles of collar ; lobe with distinct, oblique, 
narrow sulcus subdorsally ; median depression on lobes wide and deep and with a 
median foveole ; transverse sulcus with a shallow, subcircular and an ovate foveole ; 
posterolateral angles of posterior lobe moderately produced, conical, acute ; apex 
of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal foveole deep, circular, smooth. Hemelytra 
extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-third as long 
as tibiae. 

Total length, 14*00 mm., $ 17*50 mm.; hemelytra, io*oo mm., $ io-oo mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, 4*50 mm., $ 5*50 mm. 

One £ (holotype), Philippine Islands, Polillo Island, W. Schultze, 1 (paratype), 
Mt. Balusan, 2000 ft. S. Luzon, leg. G. Bottcher, 1 $ (paratype), Panay Capiz, 


Jamendan, W. Schultze, 1 $ (paratype), Montalban, Luzon Rezal, W. Schultze, 
1 $ (paratype), Nord Luzon, Los Banos, leg. G. Bottcher (B.M. 1949-474). 

The holotype differs in a very minor degree from the paratype from Mt. Balusan, 
but the differences, in my opinion, do not justify the setting up of another new species. 

Tiarodes servus sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig- 8) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head black with very faint metallic violaceous suffusion mainly on postocular ; 
gula suffused with brown ; base of head yellow ; rostrum yellow. Thorax, except 
scutellum, light red ; scutellum black with faint violaceous lustre. Hemelytra 
fuscous ; corium narrowly dark red basally. Segments 2-5 of abdomen ventrally 
brick red, broadly black with metallic greenish blue lustre laterally ; segment 6 
yellow suffused with brown mid-ventrally ; segment 7 piceous with metallic blue 
suffusion ; connexivum piceous with metallic blue suffusion ; connexival segment 6 
yellow. Tarsi brown ; anterior and median tibiae piceous broadly suffused with dull 
red apically ; posterior tibiae piceous ; coxae, trochanters and femora light red ; 
anterior and median femora narrowly, posterior femora moderately broadly black 

Structure. Anteocular laterally transversely striate ; postocular with vermiculate 
striae, more distinct behind ocelli and eyes laterally. Anterior pronotal lobe with 
distinct oblique striae at base of lateral angles of collar and with a moderately deep, 
short, oblique, subarcuate sulcus subdorsally ; median depression on lobes deep and 
wide and with a short, transverse, elliptical foveole medially ; transverse sulcus 
with 2 moderately deep foveoles ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe feebly 
produced, subacute ; apex of scutellum rounded ; foveole on disc ovate, deep, with 
a transverse depression near apex ; sides of disc transversely sulcate. Hemelytra 
extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as 
long as tibiae. 

Total length, 17*00 mm.; hemelytra, io*oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*80 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Sumatra, Forbes (B.M. 1911-383). 

Tiarodes similis sp. n. 

(pi. 2, fig. 15) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head black with distinct metallic blue lustre ; gula dull red ; base of head yellowish 
rostrum yellow ; apical segment suffused with brown. Thorax, except scutellum, 
light red ; scutellum piceous with bluish lustre. Hemelytra black with dull red 
suffusion basally ; segments 2 and 3 of abdomen ventrally red ; remaining segments 
dark brown ; segment 6 laterally and segment 8 with yellow suffusion ; connexivum 
piceous with bluish lustre ; connexival segment 6 yellow. Tarsi brown ; tibiae 
piceous ; anterior and median tibiae with faint reddish brown suffusion apically ; 
coxae, trochanters, femora light red, femora with piceous suffusion with bluish 
lustre apically. 


Structure. Anteocular laterally moderately coarsely transversely striate ; 
vertex basally with 2 small, smooth, very shallow depressions ; area between ocelli 
and transverse sulcus more or less regularly, but feebly striate. Anterior pronotal 
lobe with obscure, oblique striae anteriorly and a very shallow, oblique depression 
subdorsally ; median depression on lobes moderately wide and deep ; transverse 
sulcus with 2 not very well defined foveoles ; posterolateral angles of posterior 
lobe subrectangular, not produced ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; discal 
foveole moderately deep, ovate and with a transverse carinula subapically. Hem- 
elytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter 
as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 14*50 mm.; hemelytra, 9*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4*30 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 1940, N. C. E. Miller (B.M. 1947- 

Tiarodes timorensis sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. 10) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; remaining segments missing. 
Head dull black with metallic blue lustre ; gula and base of head brownish ; rostrum 
piceous. Pronotum, propleura light red ; scutellum, meso- and metapleura black 
with violaceous lustre ; acetabula light red. Corium and base of clavus narrowly 
light red ; remainder of clavus, membrane fuscous. Abdomen light red ; segment 7 
ventrally, connexival segment 7 and genital segments piceous. Tibiae and tarsi 
black ; coxae, trochanters, femora light red ; femora narrowly black apically. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally vermiculately striate ; postocular obscurely 
and irregularly striate and with a narrow sulcus between each ocellus and eye. 
Depression on anterior and posterior pronotal lobes shallow and with a very narrow 
median longitudinal sulcus ; foveoles on transverse sulcus deep ; posterolateral 
angles of posterior lobe very feebly produced, rounded ; scutellum apically rounded 
and somewhat curved downwards ; disc laterally with deep, transverse sulci ; 
foveole on disc moderately deep and with irregular sulci. Hemelytra extending just 
beyond apex of abdomen ; corium with sparse, short, suberect setae. Femora 
with wide, smooth, shallow, parallel-sided sulcus on lower surface ; fossula spongiosa 
about one-quarter the length of tibiae. 

Total length, 19*00 mm.; hemelytra, 12*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Timor, Doherty (B.M. 1911-383). 

Tiarodes varipennis sp. n. 

(pi. 2, fig. 24) 

Colour. Segments 1 and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head piceous with metallic blue lustre ; base of head yellow ; gula reddish brown ; 
rostrum light red. Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum reddish brown 
with bluish lustre. Corium light red, broadly suffused with black apically ; clavus, 
except base narrowly, greater part of area between claval suture and Cu, base of 


anal area of membrane, base of internal cell of membrane, dull yellow ; membrane 
infumate. Segments 2-5 of abdomen ventrally light red with piceous suffusion on 
segments 3-5 laterally ; segment 6, greater part of segment 7 basally yellow ; re- 
mainder of segment 7, connexivum of segment 7, pygophore, piceous ; connexivum 
of remaining segments red, strongly suffused with piceous. Coxae, trochanters, 
femora and tibiae light red ; tarsi testaceous. 

Structure. Anteocular moderately coarsely transversely striate ; postocular 
regularly striate between ocelli and transverse sulcus. Anterior pronotal lobe with 
deep, short, arcuate sulci immediately behind collar laterally and a subarcuate, 
moderately deep sulcus subdorsally ; median sulcus on both lobes wide and deep, 
extending for about two-thirds of length of lobes ; foveoles on transverse sulcus 
deep ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe not produced, rectangular, rounded ; 
apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; foveole on disc deep, subtriangular, almost 
smooth. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. Fossula spongiosa 
one-fifth the length of tibiae. 

Total length, 13-50 mm.; hemelytra, 9-00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4-00 mm. 

One (J (holotype), Sumatra, Sibolangit, Lortling. 

Tiarodes vexillarius sp. n. 

(pi. 4. 2) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head piceous with faint metallic green lustre ; gula, base of head, rostrum, yellow. 
Thorax, except scutellum, light red ; scutellum piceous with violaceous lustre. 
Corium black with external area fuscous and base moderately broadly reddish 
yellow. Abdomen piceous ; connexival segments 3, 4 and 5 with a moderately 
large, quadrate spot basally pale yellow ; connexival segment 6 pale yellow with 
inner margin suffused with piceous ; connexival segment 7 piceous ; segments 
2 and 3 of abdomen ventrally almost entirely suffused with red ; segment 6 with a 
triangular spot laterally, segment 7 with faint suffusion, pale yellow. Tarsi brown ; 
tibiae piceous ; coxae, trochanters, anterior and median femora light red, moderately 
broadly piceous with faint bluish or greenish lustre apically ; posterior femora 
light red broadly suffused with piceous with bluish lustre apically. 

Structure. Anteocular laterally somewhat coarsely, regularly transversely 
striate ; transverse sulcus with very short, longitudinal striae ; area between sulcus 
and ocelli obscurely striate ; postocular from ocelli to eyes laterally with a narrow 
sulcus. Anterior pronotal lobe with a moderately deep, oblique sulcus and depression 
anteriorly ; median depression between lobes deep and with a somewhat obscure 
median foveole ; transverse sulcus with 1 large and 1 small foveole ; posterolateral 
angles moderately produced, subacute ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; 
scutellar foveole broad, oval. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen. 

Total length 16-00 mm.; hemelytra, io-oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4-90 mm. 

One $ (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), Borneo, Xantus. 

Paratype in British Museum (N.H.), London. 


Tiarodes vilis sp. n. 

(PI. 3, fig. 16) 

Colour. Segments i and 2 of antennae piceous ; segments 3 and 4 testaceous. 
Head black with a metallic green lustre ; gula, part of lower area of anteocular, 
postocular, reddish yellow ; base of head yellow ; rostrum testaceous. Pronotum, 
propleura, light red ; meso- and metapleura and sterna piceous with violaceous 
lustre ; acetabula light red ; scutellum piceous or black with violaceous lustre. 
Hemelytra fuscous ; base of corium moderately broadly dull red. Abdomen ventrally 
castaneous, broadly suffused with piceous laterally ; segments 6 and 7 and pygophore 
yellow ; connexivum black with very faint metallic green lustre ; segments 3-5 
with a quadrate yellow spot basally. Tarsi brown ; tibiae piceous ; anterior and 
median tibiae suffused with red apically ; coxae, trochanters and femora light 
red ; anterior and median femora narrowly apically, posterior femora broadly 
apically suffused with black with a metallic green lustre. 

Structure. Anteocular somewhat coarsely transversely striate laterally ; area 
between ocelli and transverse sulcus obscurely transversely striate. Anterior pro- 
notal lobe with oblique striae, particularly laterally at base of collar ; lobe with a 
very obscure, oblique, narrow sulcus subdorsally ; median depression on lobes wide 
and deep and with a transverse median foveole ; transverse sulcus with 2 deep, 
subcircular foveoles ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe very feebly produced, 
acute ; apex of scutellum narrowly rounded ; foveole on disc moderately deep, 
with a transverse sulcus. Hemelytra extending just beyond apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibiae. 

Total length, 16*00 mm.; hemelytra, n*oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 5*00 mm. 

One <$ (holotype), Indo-China, Luang Prabang, Nuong You, 29. xi. 1918, R. V. de 

Tiarodes luzonicus sp. n. 

(PL 4, fig. 16) 

Colour. Basal segment and segments 3 and 4 of antennae testaceous ; segment 
2 brown. Head, pronotum, scutellum, pleura, prosternum, scarlet ; rostrum reddish 
yellow ; meso- and metapleura arid sterna piceous ; mesosternal epimeron and 
acetabula, metapleural acetabula reddish ; mesostemum suffused with red anteriorly. 
Hemelytra black ; corium with base narrowly suffused with crimson and a little 
more than half apically crimson. Abdomen with segments 2-5 crimson ; remaining 
segments black. Tarsi reddish yellow ; coxae, trochanters, femora and tibiae light 

Structure. Anteocular laterally smooth with obscure striae on upper margin 
and more distinct, vermiculate striae on lower margins laterally. Anterior pronotal 
lobe very obscurely striate anteriorly and with a moderately distinct, short, oblique 
sulcus subdorsally ; median depression between lobes moderately wide and deep, 
becoming shallower on posterior lobe, with a very narrow median, longitudinal 
sulcus and a short, transverse, wider sulcus medially ; transverse sulcus between 



lobes with a large, subcircular foveole, a much smaller, ovate foveole and a short, 
shallow, oblique depression ; posterolateral angles of posterior lobe short, conical, 
acute, directed backwards. Hemelytra extending a little beyond apex of abdomen. 
Fossula spongiosa about one-quarter as long as tibia. 

Total length, 15*50 mm.; hemelytra, 10*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 4-50 mm. 

One (holotype), 2 c? (paratypes), Philippine Islands, Balbulan, N. Luzon, 
4000 ft., 1 (paratype), Imugan, N. Luzon, 4000 ft., leg. G. Bottcher (B.M. 1949-474). 

One paratype in Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. 

This new species does not differ very greatly from Tiarodes cruentus Stal and it 
was with some hesitation that I decided to consider it a distinct species. The principal 
differences are, the relatively longer basal and second antennal segments, the former 
extending to the apex of the head, the relatively longer head, much thicker lateral 
angles of collar, less deep transverse sulcus on head and larger ocelli, larger foveoles 
on transverse sulcus. The coloration is different in that the hemelytra are black, 
not fuscous and the base of the corium is very narrowly suffused with red. 


The genus CATAMIARUS 1 Amyot & Serville 

The genus Catamiarus was established by Amyot & Serville (1843, Hist. nat. Ins. 
Himipt., p. 323) for the species brevipennis which had been assigned to the genus 
Pirates (Peirates) by Serville (1831, Ann. scien . nat., p. 3). 

The generic diagnosis and description of the species brevipennis given by Amyot 
& Serville (loc. cit.), are not adequate. Distant (1904, Fauna Brit. India , Rhyn. 
2 : 302-303) also gives a description and figures of C. brevipennis. Since neither of 
these is satisfactory I redescribe and figure the species. 

In 1877, Distant (Entom. Month. Mag. 14 : 134) described a new species — nyassae — 
which he placed in Catamiarus. Since this was incorrect and there is no other 
known genus appropriate for its reception, I propose a new genus — Pteromalestes. 2 

Nothing apparently is known about the habits of C. brevipennis. A reference to 
Pteromalestes nyassae (under Catamiarus) is given in Notes on the Biology of the 
Reduviidae of Southern Rhodesia (Miller, 1953, Trans, zoo. Soc. Lond. 28, pt. VI : 
59Q-59 1 ). 

Catamiarus Amyot & Serville 

Basal segment of antennae shorter than anteocular ; antennophores nearer to 
eyes than to apex of head ; anteocular longer than postocular ; transverse sulcus 
arcuate ; vertex with a short, median, longitudinal sulcus ; ocelli relatively large, 
widely separated ; interocellar area sulcate, basal segment of rostrum shorter than 
segment 2, somewhat compressed laterally. Anterior lobe of pronotum longer than 
posterior lobe ; lateral angles of collar produced ; lobe abundantly tuberculate ; 
posterior lobe strongly rugose, tuberculate ; propleura tuberculate ; meso- and meta- 

1 /ara = very, fuapoc = bad. 

2 nxtpcofia = feathered, Xr\6xr\^ — thief. 


pleura granulose ; scutellum as wide as long, produced apically ; hemelytra variable 
in length. Fossula spongiosa on anterior and median tibiae ; coxae tuberculate 
anteriorly ; femora with low, setigerous tubercles on lower surface. 

Catamiarus brevipennis (Serv.) 

(Text-figs. 28-35) 

Colour. Basal segment of antennae piceous ; remaining segments brown. Head 
and thorax black ; abdomen and legs piceous. Corium fuscous with a large yellow 
discal circular spot ; membrane yellow in basal half, fuscous in remainder ; anal 
margin with a very narrow, yellow stripe. 

Structure. Basal segment of antennae feebly curved, about two-thirds as long as 
segment 2. Ocellar interspace one and a third wider than an ocellus. Tubercles on 
anterior pronotal lobe of various sizes, mostly subcircular and ovate, flattened. 
Scutellar spine horizontal, rounded apically. Fossula spongiosa on anterior and 
median tibiae half as long as tibia. 

Total length, 20-24*00 mm., $ 27*00 mm.; hemelytra, 6*50-10*50 mm., 
$ 10*20-10*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, <$ 8*oo mm., $ 8*oo mm. 

S. India, 1 <$, 1 $, Madras, Major Sale, 1 Madras (B.M. 1911-383), 1 Madras, 
W. Elliott, 1 (J, Cutch (B.M. 1911-383), 2 <£, Hardwar (B.M. 1911-383), 1 $, Kachli, 
1 <J, 1 $, Dohnavur, Tinevelly dist. 350 ft., 30.x. 1938, i.x.1938 (B.M. Colombo 
Mus. Exped. Sept-Oct. 1938), 1 $, Kolpatti, Tinevelly, 21.x. 1913 (B.M. 1930-599). 

Ovum (text-fig. 36). Subampulliform. Chorion glabrous with filaments curved 
inwards apically on apical margin ; operculum (text-figs. 37-38) concave with a 
cylindrical elevation constricted medially on upper surface ; margin with filaments 
curving inwards apically. Chorion apparently dark yellow ; filaments and operculum 
whitish, 3*50 mm. (dissected). 

Fourth Instar Neanide (Text-fig. 39) 

Colour. Head and thorax black. Antennae and legs piceous. Intersegmental 
areas between nota and pleura, segment 1 of abdomen, testaceous ; connexival 
segments dorsally testaceous or yellowish, narrowly shining black apically and 
laterally ; ventrally broadly shining black apically ; segments 2-7 of abdomen 
dorsally fuscous with 2 small shining black depressions on each segment ; segment 
8 shining black, laterally testaceous infumate ; segment 9 shining black ; abdomen 
ventrally testaceous infumate with a shining black, shallow depression adjacent to 
spiracles. Mesosternum black with a wide, median whitish stripe ; metasternum 
almost entirely testaceous. 

Structure. Vertex with a few shining granules. Stridulatory furrow and fossula 
spongiosa developed ; ostioles of dorsal abdominal glands at base of segments 
4, 5 and 6. Anterior coxae anteriorly and lower inner surface of anterior femora with 
low, setigerous tubercles. Rudimentary hemelytra extending just beyond base of 
first abdominal segment. 

Total length, 15*00 mm. 

S. India, Bangalore (B.M. 1900-63). 



Figs. 28-35. Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville). (28) Head and pronotum, dorsal view. 
29. Idem, lateral view. (30) Hemelytron. (31) Metathoracic wing. (32) Apical process 
of pygophore, terminal view. (33) Idem, lateral view. (34) Right harpago. (35) Left 
entom. 8, 2 . 



Figs. 36-40. .Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville). (36) Ovum. (37) Operculum, lateral 
view (some filamentous processes removed). (38) Idem , lateral view. (39) Fourth instar 
neanide. (40) Fifth instar neanide. . . . . 

Fifth Instar Neanide (Text-fig. 40) 

Colour. Similar to fourth instar. Differs in having the thorax and rudimentary 
hemelytra dark brown, the tubercles black, the metanotum entirely black and 
granular, the abdomen ventrally testaceous with a broad, lateral infumate suffusion, 
segments 7 and 8 with a transverse, smooth, shining brown area, segments 1 and 2 
dorsally and connexival segments pale yellow, connexival segments with apical 
half dark brown and with a dense clothing of pale yellow, recumbent setae. 

Structure. The principal differences from the fourth instar neanide are, the 
tubercles on the pronotum are relatively fewer and more widely spaced and the 
rudimentary hemelytra extend to the middle of the second abdominal segment. 

Total length, 20*00 mm. 

S. India, Mysore, H. K. Slater (B.M. 1901-182-), S. India, Bangalore (B.M. 1903- 


Catamiarus championi sp. n. 

(Text-figs. 41-48) 

Colour. Antennae missing. Head, body and legs black ; harpagones piceous. 
Corium black ; area between claval suture and Cu with a large, pale yellow spot with 
marginal fuscous suffusion ; membrane fuscous, becoming dark infumate apically 
and with a wide, transverse stripe and a narrow stripe on anal margin, pale yellow. 

Structure. Closely resembles Catamiarus brevipennis , but differs in the shape of 
the anterior pronotal lobe which, posteriorly, is relatively wider, in the shape of the 
venation of the membrane and in the shape of the harpagones and of the apical 
process of the pygophore. The yellow spot and transverse stripe on the; membrane 
are paler. The hemelytra extend to the apex of the abdomen and the humeral 
angles are rectangular with the angle rounded. 

Total length, 21*50 mm.; hemelytra, 13*00 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 7*50 mm. 

One (holotype), India, Haldwani dist. Kumaon, H. G. Champion (B.M. 1927- 



Basal segment of antennae shorter than anteocular. Head shorter than pronotum ; 
anteocular longer than postocular, the latter abruptly narrowed to neck ; antenno- 
phores nearer to eyes than to apex of head ; transverse sulcus angulate ; vertex 
medially, longitudinally sulcate basally ; ocelli moderately widely separated, not 
elevated ; basal segment of rostrum shorter than segment 2 and somewhat laterally 
compressed. Anterior pronotal lobe laterally carinate, longer than posterior lobe, 
with a median, longitudinal sulcus for three-quarters of basal length, with obsolescent, 
flattened carinae and some punctures between carinae ; lateral angles of collar 
rounded ; posterior lobe coarsely rugose ; scutellum as long as wide with apex 
produced ; prosternum acutely produced posteriorly ; propleura smooth ; propleural 
acetabula, meso- and metapleura finely shagreened ; mesostemum with a median, 
longitudinal carina. Abdomen smooth, feebly striate ventrolaterally. Hemelytra 
not extending to apex of abdomen ; base of internal cell of membrane wider than 


Figs. 41-48. Catamiarus championi sp. n. (41) Head and pronotum, dorsal view. (42) 
Idem , lateral view. (43) Hemelytron. (44) Metathoracic wing. (45) Apical process of 
pygophore, terminal view. (46) Idem, lateral view. (47) Right harpago. (48) Left 


base of external cell ; internal cell with veins parallel and a little more than half 
as long as external cell. Anterior coxae long, flattened on outer surface ; anterior 
femora somewhat incrassate ; fossula spongiosa on anterior and median tibiae. 
Head, anterior lobe of pronotum, sterna, pleura, corium abdomen ventrally, connexi- 
val segments and segment 8 dorsally, legs, except outer surface of anterior coxae 
with adpressed, silvery, sericeous setae and suberect simple setae ; posterior pronotal 
lobe, scutellum with abundant, somewhat coarse suberect setae. 

Type species, Pteromalestes nyassae (Distant). Text-figs. 49-56. 

Pteromalestes nyassae (Distant) 

Colour. Piceous. Posterior pronotal lobe castaneous. Basal segment of antennae 
piceous ; remaining segments reddish brown. Hemelytra fuscous, basally suffused 
with castaneous ; membrane dark infumate. 

Structure. Basal antennal segment somewhat curved a little more than half 
as long as segment 2. Ocellar interspace equal to space between an ocellus and an 
eye. Scutellar spine horizontal, thick, rounded apically. Hemelytra extending to 
apex of eighth abdominal segment. Fossula spongiosa on anterior tibiae more than 
half as long, on median tibiae half as long as tibia. 

Total length, 14-00 mm., $ 18-00 mm.; hemelytra, io-oo mm., $ 11*50 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, £ 4-50 mm., $ 5-00 mm. 

One 9 (holotype), Nyasaland (no precise locality), Symons (B.M. 1911-383), 
1 <$» Uganda, plains NE. of Lake Edward, 3200 ft., 15-16. x.1911, S. A. Neave 
(B.M. 19x2-193), 1 <J, Kenya, Kisumu, i.1919, T. J. Anderson (B.M. 1921-50), 
1 $, S. Rhodesia, Odzi dist. 11.ii.1949, N. C. E. Miller. 

Pteromalestes differs from Catamiarus in having abundant adpressed pubescence 
on head, body and legs, the anterior pronotal lobe obscurely carinate and punctate, 
not tuberculate, the base of the internal cell of the membrane subequal in width 
and not more than twice as wide as base of internal cell. It differs also in the some- 
what narrow habitus in the relatively longer fossula spongiosa on the anterior 
tibiae and in not having setigerous tubercles on the lower surface of the anterior 

Subfamily Ectrichodiinae 
COLASTOCORIS gen. nov. 1 

Size. Small. Antennae with 6 segments ; basal segment as long as head ; segment 
2 subequal in length to basal segment. Head shorter than pronotum ; vertex wider 
than an eye ; ocelli moderately large, elevated, not very widely separated ; trans- 
verse sulcus behind eyes ; basal segment of rostrum shorter than segment 2. Anterior 
pronotal lobe shorter than posterior lobe, transverse, medially longitudinally sulcate 
throughout ; lateral angles of collar not produced ; posterior lobe medially and later- 
ally sulcate, the sulci foveolate ; transverse sulcus foveolate ; anterior margin of 
mesopleura carinate and foveolate ; scutellum with 2 widely separated apical 
spines ; mesostemum medially longitudinally sulcate ; metasternum broadly, 

1 KoXactTfiQ = a chastiser, koqiq — a bug. 

Figs. 49-56. Pteromalestes nyassae (Distant), gen. nov. (49) Head and pronotum, dorsal 
view. (50) Idem , lateral view. (51) Hemelytron. (52) Metathoracic wing. (53) Apical 
process of pygophore. terminal view. (54) Idem, lateral view. (55) Right harpago. 

1 jpiit hamaan 


shallowly depressed. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen;; costal area of 
corium only coriaceous. Abdomen with connexival segments 2-4 and mid-ventrally 
longitudinally sulcate ; all segments intersegmentally carinulate. Anterior femora 
moderately incrassate ; anterior tibiae moderately incrassate apically ; anterior and 
median tibiae with a fossula spongiosa. 

Type species, Colastocoris laetus sp. n. Text-figs. 57-59. 

Figs. 57-59. Colastocoris laetus gen. nov., sp. n. (57) Whole insect, dorsal view. (58) 
Head, pronotum, scutellum and mesopleuron, lateral view. (59) harpago. 

Colastocoris laetus sp. n. 

Colour. Segments 1-5 of antennae piceous ; segment 5 apically, segment 6, 
pale yellow. Head and rostrum light brown. Anterior pronotal lobe, pleura, except 
propleural epimeron, meso- and metapleura and sterna, scutellum, piceous ; posterior 
pronotal lobe, propleural epimeron, light red. Hemelytra fuscous ; non-coriaceoiis 
areas of corium infumate. Abdomen dark yellow ; connexival segment 2 black ; 
other connexival segments with suffused piceous spot basally ; ventrolaterally with 
suffusion, greater part of segment 7, pygophore, piceous. Legs brown ; femora 
somewhat paler basally ; posterior tibiae with a pale testaceous annulation basally. 

Structure. Antennae with moderately long setae. Vertex about twice as wide 
as an eye ; ocellar interspace a little wider than an ocellus. Median sulcus on anterior 
pronotal lobe feeble ; disc of scutellum deeply excavate. Fossula spongiosa very 


Total length, 8*6o mm.; hemelytra, 5-40 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 2*50 mm. 

One (holotype), Solomon Islands, Bougainville, 10.vii.1922, E. A. Armytage 
(B.M. 1947-284), 1 <J, Kieta, 9.x. 1937, J. L. Froggatt (B.M. 1948-548), 1 <J, Short- 
land Islands, Lofung, 25.x. 1936, R. A. Lever. 

Allied possibly to Caloundranius Miller, 1957, Bull . Brit. Mus. 5 , 2 : 65-66, front 
which it differs in the somewhat less robust habitus, relatively narrower head, less 
widely separated scutellar spines, relatively wider base of external membranal cell 
and in structure of sterna. 

Subfamily Apiomerinae 

The subfamily Apiomerinae, established by Stal in 1859, contains, as constituted 
at present, fifteen genera, eleven of which are distributed in the Neotropical Region, 
one in the Nearctic Region and three in the Ethiopian Region. They appear to possess 
one characteristic in common, namely the faculty of utilizing exudations or resins 
from various trees to assist in the capture of prey. They smear the anterior tibiae 
with the resin in which small insects, if they come into contact with it, become 
entangled. It has not been fully established if this faculty is possessed by all genera. 

Very little is known about the habitats of the Apiomerinae, but, apparently those 
inhabiting the Neotropical Region and Nearctic Region frequent mainly foliage and 
those found in the Ethiopian Region live among leaf-debris or under the bark of 
dead trees. 

Morphologically some similarities exist. For example, representatives of the 
Neotropical genera have the apex of the anterior tibiae sulcate, the sulcus receiving 
the tarsus when not in use. The tarsus, in this case, is reduced in size. The median 
tibiae in some genera are also sulcate, but the tarsi are not noticeably reduced. 

A striking feature in certain species of Apiomerus is the foliaceous expansion 
which arises from each side of the apical margin of the eighth abdominal segment 
in females. 

In one of the Ethiopian genera ( Cleontes ), the anterior tarsi are absent. In the other 
genera (Diaspidius, Rodhainiella ) , they are reduced in size and when not in use, lie 
in a sulcus on the tibia. 

There are, however, significant differences in morphology between the Neotropical 
and Ethiopian genera. They may be summarized as follows : 

Neotropical genera 

Ocelli widely separated and feebly elevated ; 

directed more or less outwards 
Rostrum extending beyond anterior margin of 

Stridulatory furrow present 

Discal cell of corium relatively small 

Seventh abdominal segment in males normal 

Posterior pronotal lobe not produced posteri- 
orly ; scutellum not concealed 
Head, body and legs usually strongly setose 

Ethiopian genera 

Ocelli widely separated ; strongly elevated ; 
directed outwards. 

Rostrum not extending beyond anterior 
margin of prostemum. 

Stridulatory furrow absent. 

Discal cell of corium relatively large. 

Seventh abdominal segment in males strongly 

Posterior pronotal lobe strongly produced 
posteriorly ; scutellum concealed. 

Head and legs only setose. 


These differences, in my opinion, are such as to warrant the removal of the 
Ethiopian genera from the Apiomerinae. There is no other subfamily into which 
they can correctly be placed, therefore I propose a new subfamily, Diaspidiinae, 
for their reception. 

Diaspidiinae, subfam. nov. 

Macropterous. Head and legs setose. Rostrum thick, straight, extending to anterior 
margin of prosternum ; basal segment very short. Ocelli lateral, elevated. Anterior 
pronotal lobe much shorter than posterior lobe, the latter strongly produced posteri- 
orly and concealing the scutellum. Connexivum expanded, simple or undulate. 
Discal cell of corium large. Legs moderately thick ; anterior tarsi reduced or absent ; 
when present rest in a sulcus at apex of tibia. 

The three genera which the new subfamily contains may be separated by the fol- 
lowing key : 

1. Anterior tarsi absent ........ Cleontes St&l, 1874 

- Anterior tarsi present ........... 2 

2. Vertex twice as wide as an eye ; basal antennal segment shorter than head 

Rodhainiella Schout., 1913 

- Vertex subequal in width to an eye ; basal antennal segment as long or longer than 

head .......... Diaspidius Westw., 1857 

Field observations on some of the genera have revealed instances of the use of a 
resin or some such exudation from trees. This substance is applied to the anterior 
tibiae for the purpose of catching other insects for food. This method is also employed 
by members of the Oriental subfamily Ectinoderiinae. 

Subfamily Rhaphidosominae 


Size. Small. Elongate. Antennae missing. Head shorter than pronotum ; anten- 
nophores nearer to apex of head than to eyes and with a spine basally ; anteocular 
shorter than postocular, both with setigerous tubercles ; vertex wider than an eye ; 
ocelli small, lateral, widely separated ; basal segment of rostrum thicker than seg- 
ment 2 and somewhat shorter, extending to middle of eyes. Pronotum longer than 
wide ; anterior lobe shorter than posterior lobe with a median, longitudinal sulcus 
basally ; transverse sulcus interrupted medially ; posterior lobe with indications 
of longitudinal carinae and with humeral angles tuberculate ; both lobes with 
setigerous tubercles ; posterior margin of posterior lobe deeply excised ; scutellum 
longer than wide with apex produced. Hemelytra not extending to apex of abdomen ; 
base of membranal cells subequal in width. Abdomen with sides parallel ; external 
apical angle of seventh connexival segment produced. Anterior femora moderately 
incrassate ; median and posterior femora, all tibiae slender, the former with apex 
somewhat incrassate ; femora with setigerous tubercles. Head, body, legs, corium 
with dense, minute flattened and spatulate setae. 

Type species, Harrisocoris africanus sp. n. Text-figs. 60-64. 


Harrisocoris africanus sp. n. 

Colour. Light brown ; connexival segments with a suffused black spot.apically. 
Setae pale fulvous ; setae on abdomen ventrally white. 

Structure. Vertex three times as wide as an eye ; ocellar interspace equal in 
width to vertex. Produced apex of scutellum acute, horizontal. Seventh abdominal 
segment with tubercles near apical margin. 

Figs. 60-64. Harrisocoris africanus gen. nov. sp. n. (60) Head pronotum and scutellum, 
dorsal view. (61) Head and pronotum lateral view. (62) Anterior leg. (63) Hemelytron. 
(64) Apex of abdomen lateral view. 

Total length, 12*50 mm.; hemelytra, 7*20 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 1*50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Tanganyika, Morogoro, 24. iv. 1930, W. V. Harris (on cotton) 
(B.M. 1950-96). 

Allied to Lopodytes Stal, 1853, Ofv. Vet.-Ak . Fork . 10, p. 263, from which it differs 
in having the head relatively less elongate, the postocular more globose, the ante- 
and postocular with setigerous tubercles, the antennophores with a spine, the tylus 
with setigerous tubercles, the anterior pronotal lobe much shorter than the posterior 


lobe, both lobes with setigerous tubercles, the posterior lobe with humeral angles 
tuberculate, the posterior margin strongly excised, the cells of the membrane of 
approximately the same size and the femora with setigerous tubercles. 

Subfamily Harpactorinae 

THEREUTOCORIS gen. nov. 1 

Size. Moderate. Smooth. Antennae longer than head, body and hemelytra 
together. Antennophores equidistant between eyes and apex of head ; basal segment 
of rostrum shorter than segment 2, extending to anterior margin of eyes ; head longer 
than pronotum ; eyes prominent, shorter than height of head ; vertex subequal in 
width to an eye ; anteocular shorter than postocular ; ocelli small, widely separated. 
Anterior pronotal lobe shorter than posterior lobe with a median, longitudinal 
sulcus basally ; posterior lobe widely shallowly depressed medially ; posterolateral 
angles not produced. Scutellum longer than wide with apex produced ; disc feebly 
depressed. Hemelytra extending beyond apex of abdomen ; discal cell of corium 
longer than wide ; base of external cell of membrane narrower than base of internal 
cell. Abdomen feebly constricted basally. Legs slender ; femora feebly incrassate 
and constricted apically. 

Type species, Thereutocoris amoenus sp. n. Text-figs. 65-68. 

Thereutocoris amoenus sp. n. 

Colour. Antennae black ; basal segment with 2, segment 2 with 1 wide, pale 
yellow annulations. Head black, except base pale reddish yellow. Thorax reddish 
yellow ; posterior pronotal lobe with a large black spot on humeral angles ; apex 
of scutellum white. Corium reddish yellow, broadly black basally, except extreme 
base ; apex suffused with piceous ; membrane dark violaceous infumate in basal 
half ; remainder pale yellow. Abdomen with segments 2-5 reddish and remainder 
black ; connexival segments 5-7 with a pale yellowish. spot. Coxae, trochanters, 
femora reddish yellow ; femora with apex black, a wide subapical pale yellow 
annulation and a suffused blackish annulation medially ; tibiae and tarsi black, 
the former with 2 wide, pale yellow annulations. 

Structure. Segment 2 of antennae a little less than half as long as basal segment ; 
segments 3 and 4 together somewhat longer than basal segment. Segments 2 and 3 
of rostrum together about twice as long as basal segment. Sulcus on anterior pro- 
notal lobe very narrow and within a very shallow depression. Produced portion of 
scutellum horizontal, rounded apically and with a semicircular sulcus subapically. 
Discal cell of corium about three times longer than wide. 

Total length, 13-00 mm., $ 15-00 mm.; hemelytra, io-oo mm., $ 11*50 mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, $ 2-80 mm., $ 3-00 mm. 

One (holotype), Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, Gold Ridge, 20.iii.1955, 1 $ 
(paratype), Guadalcanal, Tinakula River, 19.iii.1955, 1 $ (paratype), Guadalcanal, 

1 OrjpEVTTjg ==• hunter, Kopiq = bug. 


Sutakiki River, 23. vi. 1956, E. S. Brown, 1 $, Guadalcanal, 5000 ft., xii.1934, 
C. Bird {per R. A. Lever), B.M. 1948-548). 

Black humeral spots are absent from the $ from Tinakula River. 

Figs. 65-68. Thereutocoris amoenus gen. nov., sp. n. (65) Whole insect, dorsal view. 
(66) Head and pronotum, lateral view. (67) Apex of pygophore, lateral view. (68) 

Ovum. (Text-fig. 68). Cylindrical, feebly curved towards opercular end; dif- 
ferentiated portion of chorion moderately long ; chorion smooth, shining, yellow ; 
differentiated portion white, 2*00 mm. (dissected). This is a relatively large ovum. 
Allied to Euagoras Burmeister, 1835, Handbuch, 2, p. 226 ( pro parte). 


Differs in the relative lengths of the head and rostral segments, structure of the 
scutellum and venation of the hemelytra. 


Size. Small. Basal antennal segment longer than head, pronotum and scutellum 
together ; segment 2 a little more than half as long as basal segment ; segment 3 
half as long as basal segment ; segment 4 two- thirds as long as 3. Head shorter than 
pronotum ; antennophores projecting beyond apex of head with a spine at base ; 
anteocular shorter than postocular, more or less vertical apically ; postocular 
tuberculate laterally ; juga produced anteriorly ; ocelli widely separated ; vertex 
wider than an eye ; basal segment of rostrum moderately thick, as long as remaining 
segments together, extending beyond posterior margins of eyes. Pronotum as 
long as wide ; anterior lobe shorter than posterior lobe with tubercles laterally and 
on collar laterally ; lateral angles of collar not produced. Scutellum longer than 
wide ; disc not excavate or foveolate ; prosternum medially produced. Hemelytra 
extending beyond apex of abdomen ; base of external cell of membrane wider 
than base of internal cell. Anterior femora moderately incrassate ; anterior tibiae, 
median and posterior legs slender. Pleura with area with dense, tomentose pubes- 

Type species, Protenthocoris sedulus sp. n. Text-figs. 69-73. 

Protenthocoris sedulus sp. n. 

Colour. Antennae and legs pale stramineous ; basal antennal segment with 
feeble reddish suffusion basally. Head and pronotum, scutellum, upper area of 
propleura testaceous. Rostrum, gula, remainder of propleura, meso- and metapleura 
pale stramineous. Corium subhyaline, almost colourless with faint reddish suffusion 
apically ; clavus, area between claval suture and Cu , membrane hyaline, almost 
colourless. Abdomen dorsally yellow ; connexival segments 4-6 with a large blackish 
spot basally ; abdomen ventrally whitish. 

Structure. Ocellar interspace twice as wide as space between an ocellus and an 
eye. Tubercles on postocular, lateral angles of collar, and on anterior pronotal lobe 
laterally very short, rounded. Anterior pronotal lobe smooth ; posterior lobe rugose 
punctate ; humeral angles obtusely conical ; produced part of prosternum very 
short, conical. 

Total length, io-oo mm., $ 11-50 mm.; hemelytra, 7*00 mm., $ 8-oo mm.; 
greatest pronotal width, $ 2-00 mm., $ 2-50 mm. 

One <J (holotype), Uganda, Entebbe, 17. viii. 1938, H. Hargreaves, 1 2 $ (para- 

types), Kisumu, April, 1936, H. J. A. Turner. 

The specimens from Kisumu differ in having a short spine on the humeral angles ; 
apart from this there appear to be no other characters which would justify their 
being considered another species. They differ in colour in that the connexivum is 
devoid of spots. 

1 TiporetiOrjc — a gourmand, KOpig = a bug. 


Ovum (text-fig. 73). Cylindrical with a relatively long differentiated portion of 
the chorion; partly smooth, partly reticulate ; * operculum with abundant short, 
erect, slender processes. Brownish yellow ; differentiated portion of chorion white, 
i-6o mm. (dissected). 

Figs. 69-73. Protenthocoris sedulus gen. nov., sp. n. (69) Head and pronotum, dorsal 
view. (70) Idem, lateral view. (71) Hemelytron. (72) Pygophore, dorsal view. (73) 

Apparently should be placed near Nagusta Stal, 1859, 6 fv. Vet-Ak. Fdrh. 16, 
P- 374* 


Size. Moderate. Smooth. Basal antennal segment longer than head ; shorter 
than head and pronotum together ; segment 2 much shorter than basal segment ; 
segment 3 longer than 2 ; segment 4 missing. Head shorter than pronotum ; ante- 
ocular shorter than postocular, the latter somewhat abruptly narrowed to base ; 
vertex wider than an eye ; ocelli widely separated, elevated ; basal segment of 
rostrum moderately thick, extending to middle of eyes, shorter than segment 2. 


Pronotum wider than long ; anterior lobe shorter than posterior lobe, medially 
longitudinally sulcate and with lateral angles of collar produced ; posterior lobe 
with a median, longitudinal depression, concurrent with sulcus on anterior lobe ; 
humeral angles marginally, dorsoventrally compressed ; posterolateral angles 

Figs. 74-78. Nanyukicoris elegans gen. nov. sp. n. (74) Head and pronotum, dorsal view. 
(75) Idem , lateral view. (76) Hemelytron (lower scale of magnification). (77) Apex of 
abdomen, lateral view. (78) Ovum. 

very feebly produced. Scutellum as long as wide with apex produced and disc 
foveolate. Hemelytra extending beyond apex of abdomen ; discal cell of corium 
longer than wide ; base of membranal cells subequal in width. Abdomen somewhat 
constricted basally ; gonapophyses of eighth abdominal segment produced. Anterior 
and median femora nodulose. 

Type species, Nanyukicoris elegans sp. n. Text-figs. 74-78. 


Nanyukicoris elegans sp. n. 

Colour. Antennae black. Anteocular black ; gula and postocular yellow, the 
latter with black area laterally ; rostrum yellow ; basal segment basally black. 
Pronotum black, except collar, humeral and posterolateral angles and posterior 
margin yellow ; pleura yellow with greater part of propleura black ; mesopleura 
with a black spot. Corium yellow with apex black ; clavus, area between claval 
suture and Cu, discal cell, hyaline yellow ; membrane infumate with base of cells 
yellow ; metathoracic wings hyaline, pale yellow with apical half infumate. Abdo- 
men yellow with genital segments black. Coxae, trochanters^ femora yellow ; 
posterior femora with 2 piceous annulations ; anterior and median tibiae piceous 
with base broadly yellow ; posterior tibiae black, narrowly yellow basally ; tarsi 

Structure. Segment 2 of antennae one-fifth as long as basal segment ; segment 3 
about twice as long as 2. Vertex nearly twice as wide as an eye. Ocellar interspace 
twice as wide as space between an ocellus and an eye. Discal foveole on scutellum 
deep. Discal cell of corium about one-third as wide as long. 

Total length, 12-00 mm.; hemelytra, io-oo mm.; greatest pronotal width, 3*00 mm. 

One 9 (holotype), Kenya, Nanyuki, v.1948, van Someren. 

Ovum (text-fig. 78). Ampulliform, strongly narrowed towards opercular end; 
smooth ; minutely reticulate ; differentiated portion of chorion very short ; oper- 
culum with an irregular conical elevation. Pale stramineous ; differentiated portion 
of chorion white, 1*50 mm. (dissected). 

Belongs to the Harpagocoris-Callilestes group. Differs from Harpagocoris Stal, 
1855, Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 12 , p. 262, in the shape of the head, the postocular being 
relatively wider and shorter, in having the basal rostral segment relatively shorter, 
the posterior pronotal lobe medially sulcate, the base of the membranal cells subequal 
in width. It differs similarly from Callilestes Stal, 1866, Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork, 13 , 
p. 285, and also has the apex of the scutellum non-lamellate. 

Iratitha doreyana Distant, 1903, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 11 , p. 366 

This species should not have been placed in Irantha . It cannot be properly assigned 
elsewhere, therefore I establish the following new genus to receive it : 

PARIRANTHA gen. nov. 

Size. Small. Antennae longer than head, pronotum and scutellum together. 
Head subequal in length to pronotum ; vertex wider than an eye ; ocelli widely 
separated ; antennophores nearer to apex of head than to eyes ; anteocular shorter 
than postocular, the latter globose then strongly constricted to base ; both with 
tubercles and spines ; basal segment of rostrum subequal in length to remaining 
segments together. Anterior pronotal lobe shorter than posterior lobe, the former 
with spines and tubercles, the latter rugose punctate ; humeral angles produced ; 
posterolateral and posterior margins of posterior lobe thickened. Scutellum triangular, 
as wide as long ; apex not produced. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen ; 



discal cell longer than wide ; base of internal cell of membrane equal in width to 
base of external cell. Anterior femora incrassate, nodulose and spinose ; median 
and posterior femora feebly incrassate subapically ; anterior femora moderately 
thick, feebly curved. Abdomen somewhat constricted basally. 

Type species, Parirantha doreyana (Distant). Text-figs. 79-80. 

Figs. 79-81. Parirantha doreyana (Distant), gen. nov. (79) Head and pronotum, dorsal 
view. (80) Idem , lateral view. Iranthoides belua (Miller), gen. nov. (81) Ovum. 

Parirantha doreyana (Distant) 

Colour. Pale testaceous (? spirit material). 

Structure. Spines on vertex and postocular erect, a little longer than spines on 
antennophores which are feebly curved and directed forwards ; vertex twice as 
wide as an eye ; ocellar interspace about twice as wide as space between an ocellus 
and an eye. 

Total length, 11*30 mm.; hemelytra, 6*6o mm.; greatest pronotal width, 2*50 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Dorey, Wallace (B.M. 65-13). 

Differs from Irantha Stal, 1861, Stett. ent . Zeit. 22 , p. 137 in the shape of the head 
which is relatively thicker, in the armature of the head and anterior femora and in 
the absence of tubercles on the connexivum and short spines on the tibiae. 

Irantha belua Miller, 1941, Journ. F.MS. Mus. 18 , pp. 368-370 

This species was incorrectly placed in Irantha (loc. cit.). Since it cannot be placed 
correctly in any other known genus, I propose the new genus Iranthoides for it. 

ENTOM. 8, 2 . 6 

1 12 


IRANTHOIDES gen. nov. 

Size. Small. Basal antennal segment shorter than head ; segment 2 less than half 
as long as basal segment. Head subequal in length to pronotum ; anteocular shorter 
than postocular, the latter globose then strongly constricted ; antennophores 
equidistant between eyes and apex of head ; ante- and postocular tuberculate and 
with erect spines on upper surface ; constricted part of postocular with few tubercles ; 
ocelli widely separated ; basal segment of rostrum subequal in length to segment 2. 
Pronotum about as wide as long ; anterior lobe shorter than posterior lobe, the former 
tuberculate, the latter rugose punctate ; humeral angles produced. Scutellum 
longer than wide, apex produced, spatulate, oblique. Hemelytra extending beyond 
apex of abdomen. Base of abdomen constricted ; external margin of connexivum 
tuberculate. Anterior femora incrassate, tuberculate and spinose ; anterior tibiae 
feebly curved ; median and posterior legs slender, the femora feebly incrassate 

The ovum (text-fig. 81) (dissected), of Iranthoides belua is cylindrical, narrowly 
constricted at opercular end. Chorion smooth ; differentiated portion of chorion 
formed of fine fused filaments. Chorion brown ; differentiated portion whitish, 
i*6o mm. 

BUBIACORIS gen. nov. 

Size. Small. Basal antennal segment longer than head ; segment 2 less than half 
as long as basal segment ; segment 3 one-third longer than 2 ; segment 4 twice as 
long as 2 ; antennophores equidistant between eyes and apex of head with a spine 
basally ; anteocular shorter than postocular ; vertex wider than an eye, tuberculate ; 
ocelli widely separated, directed laterally ; postocular globose then narrowed to a 
distinct neck, both tuberculate ; basal rostral segment subequal in length to remain- 
ing segments together. Anterior pronotal lobe subequal in length to posterior lobe, 
tuberculate and with a median longitudinal sulcus basally ; posterior lobe reticulately 
rugose and with short carinae anteriorly ; humeral angles with a spine ; postero- 
lateral angles produced ; scutellum triangular, as wide as long, disc excavate and 
with apex truncate. Hemelytra extending to apex of abdomen ; base of inner 
cell of membrane narrower than base of external cell. Abdomen somewhat constricted 
basally. Anterior femora nodulose with 1 long spine on upper surface and several 
much shorter spines on lower surface subapically ; median and posterior femora 
feebly nodulose. Pleura with short, tomentose pubescence. 

Type species, Bubiacoris bicolor sp. n. Text-figs. 82-84. 

Bubiacoris bicolor sp. n. 

Colour. Basal segment of antennae piceous with 2 suffused brown annulations ; 
segment 2 piceous ; segments 3 and 4 brown. Head and thorax brown ; head and 
pronotum dorsally, scutellum black ; humeral angles and spines brown. Rostrum 
brown suffused with piceous. Abdomen pale stramineous. Corium piceous ; mem- 
brane infumate. Anterior legs piceous ; median and posterior coxae pale stramineous; 



Figs. 82-84. Bubiacoris bicolor gen. nov., sp. n. (82) Whole insect, dorsal view (antennae 
and legs omitted). (83) Head, pronotum, anterior coxa, trochanter and femur, lateral 
View, (84) Apex of pygophore, dorsal view, 


median and posterior femora and tibiae light brown, the former with dark brown 
suffusion apically ; tarsi piceous. Pubescence on pleura white. 

Structure. Basal antennal segment equal in length to head and anterior pronotal 
lobe together. Vertex with 2 moderately long conical tubercles and numerous 
low, rounded tubercles ; postocular with low, rounded tubercles, those on neck 
arranged annularly ; ocellar interspace almost as wide as vertex. Anterior pronotal 
lobe with 2 moderately long, subacute tubercles anteriorly, 2 shorter tubercles 
sub-basally ; other tubercles mostly very short, conical or rounded. 

Total length, n-oo mm.; hemelytra, 6*50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 2-00 mm. 
(excluding spines). 

One (holotype), New Guinea, Lae, Bubia, 22. xi. 1956, E. S. Brown. 

Allied to Irantha Stal, 1861, Stett. ent. Zeit. 22, p. 137. Differs in having the head 
shorter in relation to pronotum, the postocular with the constricted portion about 
as long as the globose portion, the anterior pronotal lobe tuberculate, the posterior 
margin of the posterior pronotal lobe lacking setigerous tubercles, the base of the 
external cell of the membrane wider than the base of the internal cell, the anterior 
femora smooth and not minutely granulose and the anterior tibiae lacking minute 
spines on the lower surface. 

NOTHOCLEPTES gen. nov. 1 

Size. Small. Antennae relatively thick ; basal segment longer than head and 
constricted in basal fourth ; segments 2 and 3 together and segment 4 longer than 
basal segment. Head shorter than pronotum ; antennophores nearer to eyes than 
to apex of head ; anteocular shorter than postocular, the latter with a distinct neck ; 
ocelli relatively large, widely separated, somewhat elevated ; vertex wider than an 
eye ; transverse sulcus almost straight, situated behind eyes ; basal segment of 
rostrum subequal in length to segment 2. Anterior pronotal lobe smooth, shorter than 
posterior lobe, medially longitudinally sulcate for two-thirds basally and with a 
feeble median, transverse sulcus ; posterior lobe rugulose, except humeral angles 
smooth ; posterior margin very feebly concave ; prosternum not transversely striate. 
Scutellum with a Y-shaped Carina ; disc depressed. Hemelytra extending just 
beyond apex of abdomen ; corium with abundant setae ; discal cell of corium longer 
than wide ; base of external cell of membrane narrower than base of internal cell. 
Anterior tibiae thick ; median and posterior tibiae slender ; all tibiae abundantly 
setose ; anterior femora feebly curved, somewhat incrassate towards apex ; tuber- 
culate ; median and posterior femora without tubercles ; all femora with sparse 

Type species, Nothocleptes collaris sp. n. Text-figs. 85-88. 

Nothocleptes collaris sp. n. 

Colour. Antennae, head and rostrum piceous. Pronotum yellow ; collar, 
anterior lobe laterally, propleural epistemum, meso- and metapleural piceous ; 

1 voQos = a bastard, KXenre<; = a thief. 


scutellum, corium and abdomen yellow ; hemelytral membrane hyaline faintly 
infumate. Coxae dark yellow ; trochanters, femora and tibiae piceous. 

Structure. Vertex with a short, narrow, median, longitudinal sulcus basally ; 
ocellar interspace a little less wide than vertex ; ocelli directed outwards and for- 
wards feebly. Disc of scutellum very feebly depressed. Base of external cell of 
hemelytral membrane half as wide as base of internal cell. Setae on legs mostly 
long, on corium short. Tubercles on femora minute. 

Figs. 84-88. Nothocoris collaris gen. nov., sp. n. (85) Head, pronotum and scutellum, 
dorsal view. (86) Head and pronotum, lateral view. (87) Basal antennal segment. 
(88) Anterior leg. 

Total length, 7-00 mm.; hemelytra, 4-40 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 1*90 mm. 

One $ (holotype), Kenya, Nairobi, ix.1934, van Someren. 

Allied to Sphedanolestes Stal, 1866, Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Fork ., pp. 284, 288. Differs 
in having the head considerably shorter than pronotum, width of eyes less than half 
that of vertex, antennophores nearer to eyes than to apex of head, the basal rostral 
segment subequal in length to segment 2, legs not very long and femora not nodulose 
but feebly tuberculate, and also in having the prostemal furrow non-striate and the 
basal antennal segment widely constricted basally. 


Moto biplagiatus sp. n. 

(Text-figs. 89-92) 

Colour. Antennal segments 1 and 2 piceous ; segment 3 yellow, narrowly piceous 
basally ; segment 4 missing. Head, body and legs pale yellow ; legs and rostrum 
paler ; tylus, suffusion behind ocelli, brown ; postocular reddish. Anterior pronotal 
lobe dark yellow ; posterior lobe with 2 large, sublunate brown spots ; propleural 

Figs. 89-92. Moto biplagiatus sp. n. (89) Head and pronotum, dorsal view. (90) Idem, 
lateral view. (91) Anterior femur. (92) Ovum. 

episternum, meso- and metapleura with reddish brown suffusion. Scutellar disc 
dark yellow. Corium suffused with infumate except basally ; membrane faintly 
infumate. Connexival segments 5-7 with a narrow, marginal piceous spot. 

Allied to Moto rhodesianus Miller, 1950, ProC. zool. Soc. Lond. 120, p. 257, but 
differs in less robust habitus, coloration, less strongly tuberculate head and anterior 
pronotal lobe, the tubercles being also relatively smaller and in the armature of the 
anterior femora. 


Total length, 8-50 mm.; hemelytra, 5-50 mm.; greatest pronotal width, 2-00 mm. 

One $ (holotype), 1 $ (paratype), Tanganyika, Kinde, Uluguru Mts., Dec. 1930, 
W. V. Harris (B.M. 1950-96). 

Ovum (text-fig. 92). Cylindrical, somewhat obliquely rounded truncate basally ; 
narrower at opercular end ; apical margin of chorion with short, closely placed 
filaments ; operculum with longer, coarser filaments ; chorion smooth, except 
base minutely granulose. Chorion yellow ; chorionic and opercular filaments 
white, 1-20 mm.